Right now I am using (I have read it and now am going back thru to jot down important tidbits and recipes) "THE METABOLISM BOOSTING DIET: Burn Fat, Balance Hormones and Lose Weight for Life". My reasoning for getting into this book other than really loving this author is because I have sort of plateaued and need a boost to kick start things again. Need to switch it up cause what I have been doing is working but has sort of stalled:) And again the word "diet" isn't the negative use of the word and by that I mean the do this for a little while and then starve and fall back to old habits diet. It means your day-to-day eating for the rest of your life diet. I would like use this post to jot down some of my notes that I think can be useful for everyone! http://themetabolismboostingdiet.com/index.php
- "It is important to lose weight with dignity, in a safe and SUSTAINABLE MANNER." Put simply, it is a lifestyle change.
- "You cannot break up with food...Losing weight is a physical and emotional journey that has to be integrated into NEW BEHAVIOUR and thought patterns."
- "You must identify your triggers...Bring more awareness to your eating patterns, which will in turn alter your CHOICES."
- "For a lifelong shift to occur, you must practice mindful eating."
- "Metabolism is the amount of energy (calories) your body burns to maintain itself."
- "You are only as healthy as your pipes" ~ get your digestive system working top notch and you will be sailing.
- "Your digestive and metabolic capacity is strongest in the early afternoon (from 1pm - 3pm), making lunch the most important meal of the day. As the sun goes down, so does the potential of your metabolism."
- "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper" ~ front load your day and make dinner your smallest meal. This is the way to have the best energy during the day and stay balanced.
- Macronutrients: Carbohydrates "the fuel providers", Protein "the stabilizer", Fat "the conductor" ~ she does go into wicked detail about their roles, where to get it and the different types of each.
- "Proper protein intake can boost metabolism, cut cravings, create feelings of satiation, help to maintain muscle mass, help to balance and stabilize insulin." (For a woman 30+ look to get 46g a day and if you are trying to lose weight she suggests popping it up to 60-80 grams a day)
- The "Triangle of Weight Loss" 1. Hormonal Health 2. Quality calories 3. Optimal digestion
- "Digestive Tips:
- Eat until you are sufficiently full, not stuffed. Your stomach needs room to properly digest the food you are eating.
- Chew your food very well (make meals last 20 minutes or longer)
- Drink water between and with meals.
- Start and finish your day with hot water and lemon juice (natural astringent and helpful on breaking down food).
- Consider supplementing with a digestive enzyme and probiotics."
- There is a "METABOLIC ID" Quiz and from there you follow 3 Phases ("Phase 1-Balance", "Phase 2-Boost", "Phase 3-Maintenance"). All three of these phases provide you with a guide on what to eat in terms of your carbs, proteins, fats. Also provided is meal plan ideas and recipes. Everything is super easy to follow and it's about how to get the best fuel into your body so you can live a healthy, energetic life.
- In Phase 1-Balance, she shares some ideas to deal with cravings.
- Homemade popsicles (water and frozen berries blended and frozen)
- ½ cup unsweetened applesauce
- Frozen grapes or mango chunks
- 2 chewable vitamin C tablets
- Pickles
- All her meal plans start with Lemon water at rising, then snack, then lunch, then snack, then dinner, then after dinner (if necessary)
- "Do not eat grains after 3pm ~ try to go organic with your grain and choose one that has little processing like sprouted grain or whole grain rye bread. This will boost metabolic function and energy."
- She also gives LOTS of great simple snack ideas ~ mainly you want to make sure you have a protein at every meal and snack. Ie. 2 small kiwis and 6 raw almonds or carrot sticks with 2 tbsp hummus.
- Do not deny yourself ~ follow the 80/20 guideline of eating
- Avoid diet foods
- Eat up to 2 grains a day (if you don't have a sensitivity to wheat, gluten, etc.) Occasionally throw your grain into your dinner but mainly take it before 3 pm.
- Continue to eat large amounts of vegetables.
- Consume 2 to 3 fruits daily.
- Watch your nighttime eating patterns.
- Engage in physical activity regularly.
- Only weigh yourself once a week.
- Do not consume alcohol daily.
- Change your idea of snacking ~ healthy snacks=fuel
- Practice 1 day of LIGHT EATING per week to give system a breather(light eating = for 1 day a week eliminate grain, red meat, and dairy. Stick to hydrating foods and beverages, lean protein, high fibre foods and fruits and vegetables)
- Keep fluid intake high.
- Take supplements regularly" (multivitamin, Omega oils, probiotic, digestive enzyme)
Dr. Joey Shulman has tons of other information in the book including info on The Glycemix Index including values and types. She also has info on the way you can get "good fats" into your day-to-day diet. There is just so much valuable information in this book. I have actually decided to purchase it because I think it is one of those resources I can refer back to when I need a reminder. Plus I am loving the recipes! AHHH you can tell I love it and her! Anyways, I HIGHLY recommend picking this book up and giving it a read ~ it is a quick read too:) It really puts things into perspective and has made me way more informed!
Another book of hers that is AWESOME is called the Natural Makeover Diet ~ it is how to really get clean from the inside out. Both these books are very informative and go well together. And she is Canadian to boot! Hope it gives you food for thought!
Here is a link to her blog: http://shulmanweightloss.com/blog/
Here is a link to her website: http://www.drjoey.com/index.htm
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