Monday, January 13, 2014


Alrighty so last time we left off I was switching over from the detox cleanse onto something simpler(gentler) to maintain some clean eating.  That has led into REBOOT ~ 2 weeks of planned eating (lots of veggies and protein every meal with a smoothie to start the day).  That's all fine and dandy UNTIL you get the stomach flu!  Yep Week One of Reboot done and then yesterday started feeling nauseas and gross.  It got worse in the evening and then BAM!  throwing up more than I ever have in my whole life.  Let's just say I don't care if digestive cookies, bread, crackers and ginger ale are not on the Reboot list THAT'S ALL I CAN EAT right now:(  Super bummed ~ another reason I dislike winter!  So Reboot is put on hold right now as is the gym ~ going to see how I feel in the morning and decide the next course of action.  I get so frustrated when I get sick ~ especially when I have 2 little ones to take care of.  My husband was generous enough to stay home today and help me as walking from the bedroom to the bathroom is somewhat of a challenge.  Being sick also reminds me how lucky I am that I am rarely sick and boy when I start feeling better it is just more reason to take really good care of myself and exercise!  I haven't been sick for over a year and I can't remember a time when I was sick with stomach flu.  It's gross but I am just thinking about it as my bodies own little cleanse to rid of the bug/germs/virus that snuck in!  Oh well that's life I guess!

So while I am sitting here holding still I thought it would be a good time to talk about what I am currently doing at Excel.  So as you may or may not know Excel is all class-based.  The trainer takes you thru a session that he/she has created ~ and they are always switching it up ~ so you might do the same exercises but they are in a different order and sustained for different lengths of time depending on the trainer has created.  This is super awesome because we NEVER get bored!  Here are some the things we do:

  • Box Jumps (I am able to do the box jump at the highest setting now!)
  • Squats (sometimes squat press, sometimes just a weighted squat, sometimes jump squat)
  • Sprints
  • TRX (rows, push ups, squats, lunges) ~ if you don't know what TRX is just google it:)
  • Bicep Curl with press
  • Skipping
  • Spin
  • Farmers Carry
  • Stairs (with and without sandbell)
  • Bear crawl
  • Ball Slam
  • 2 MINUTES OF HELL (which includes burpees for 30 secs, split lunges for 30, jump squats for 30 and star jumps for 30) 
A LOT of what I do everyday uses minimal "gym" equipment so I can take these exercises and use them on my own.  It is really helpful to go to Excel and learn about form, configuration of exercises, etc. to then do it on my own if for some reason I can not get to Excel that day or if I go away.  You also learn what to focus on when doing certain exercises and the "why" which is GREAT!  I highly recommend doing some research on the exercises you are doing to make sure you are doing them properly ~ a little picture on some gym equipment isn't enough.  If you don't have access to a trainer to help you make sure you read up on it, look up videos on the web (from trusted sources), etc.  An injury from bad form is NOT worth it.  I still have so much to learn but I can look back over this last year and a bit and see what a huge difference having a trainer with me has made.  Ok I am going to eat some digestive cookies and drink my vitamin water before having a nap.  If you are reading this and are not currently sick with the flu THANK THE HEAVENS!  Now go eat a banana and go to Excel;D

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