Thursday, November 21, 2013

Getting Motivated

Everyone has to start somewhere.  I know sometimes it is daunting to start at a new gym, start up a new meal plan, attending a yoga class.  It can be uncomfortable.  Now in my last post I talked about how "uncomfortable" I was wearing the clothes I used to wear.  This is a different kind of uncomfortable.  This is the good kind ~ it just takes once and then it is done and you have accomplished the first of many steps towards your health goals.  I challenge you to get uncomfortable and sign up for a bootcamp, try a new recipe, go for a run around the neighbourhood.  Tonight I did a spin class ~ now I don't know if you have tried a spin class and what kind of spin class that was but this is a sweaty, work your butt off type spin class.  No slack option!  And about 20 minutes into it I felt tired but knew I still had another 30 to go.  It was UNCOMFORTABLE ~ my legs felt tired but were working hard.  This is typical in my workout hour ~ I go in pumped up, get to work, get uncomfortable, get sweaty, and get it done!  I would rather be immensely uncomfortable in a gym class/bootcamp then be uncomfortable in a pair of pants!  Back to the topic at hand ~ getting motivated to get uncomfortable.  Now here are my recommendations that worked for me:

  • Find a gym/bootcamp/training facility that you LOOOVEEE going to.  I wish every city was fortunate to have a place like Excel.  It is completely class based ~ classes are small so really it is like having a personal trainer.  They know your name, they know your history, they help make modifications.  Maybe you don't like class based fitness ~ so find a trainer that inspires you and motivates you.  Too expensive?  There are a ton of things at home that you can do with no equipment or super basic equipment.  Really you could do a lot at home but for me I like having the motivating environment to go to everyday.  I like someone pushing me.  I like someone critiquing me.  It comes down to training~I am training to become stronger, faster, leaner, healthier.  I guess you really have to figure out what it is worth to you ~ for me the feeling I got after I lost my initial 25 pounds was priceless.  I have "gone to the gym" since I was 13!  I have never ever ever ever! had results like this nor have I ever worked so hard!  Maybe save up, do some research and find a trainer or facility that you find AWESOME.  If you don't have a gym that you want to go to ~ try a bootcamp with a highly trained pro ~ this will get you started and after the 6-? weeks is up you will have hopefully set the stage to keep it going.
  • Get a new water bottle!  Now you might laugh at this one but when I started my 60 day challenge back in January I bought 2 cool looking water bottles from Lulu Lemon.  I have used the metal ones with the twist top for ages but finally realized I just was not drinking enough water everyday ~ and the reason: twisting the top off was not an easy thing to do when holding babies so it just never got done.  Time is of the essence people!  So the 2 water bottles I purchased are the squeeze ones that are leak proof (and they are!).  I literally have them filled with water all day.  One is on the living room table, one is on the kitchen counter and my kids and I sip all day long.  When I go to the gym one comes with me!  I go downtown ~ one is in my diaper bag!  It made it way more accessible:)  Seriously if you are not drinking enough water go get a easy water bottle and drink up! 
  • Read THE METABOLIC TYPING DIET and stick to the foods that fuel your body best.  You can find the link to this book here  
  • Make a motivation board and hang it in your bedroom.  I have mine beside my bed and I look at it when I wake up and when I go to bed.  Even if it is a subconscious glance I am still reminded of what I have achieved and what I WANT to achieve.  I post measurements, before pictures, after pictures, people I found inspiring, pictures of my babies, quotes, etc.
  • Gear!  Get a good pair of running shoes (I like the Running Room because they help direct you after checking out your feet and walk) ~ if you have easy feet you might not need the extra help but my feet are a mess.  
  • Clear out the JUNK!  Get rid of all the bad foods and drinks in your house.  You will survive without them ~ I promise!  If it isn't easy to grab then most likely you will not bother.  Toss it out or give it away but get rid of it.  When you go to get groceries stick to the list (that doesn't mean if you add Oreos to the list you can get them lol!)  It will be cheaper on your wallet too so it is a win-win:)
  • Goal jotting!  Every Sunday write down what your plan is for the week ~ doesn't have to be much ~ keep it short and sweet!  Then when you do it during the week cross it out/check it off.  This is a way of keeping you accountable and a bit of a rewarding feeling when you check it off.  It is also a great way to keep tabs on your progression.  
  • ROCKS!  When I started my 60 day challenge I filled a mason jar with the number of rocks that equalled the number of pounds I had hoped to lose.  It had a little sign on it that read "Weight to lose".  I decorated it too but I am a bit girly and crafty.  No pressure if that isn't your style!  Then I had an empty mason jar that read "Weight lost".  After every weigh in I would move the rocks where they needed to be ~ lucky for me I kept on moving them to the "weight lost" jar.  It is a great visual reminder and feels SO GOOD to fill up the "weight lost" jar.  Pinterest is who I have to thank for that idea (type in weight loss jars for a lot of ideas)!  I had them sitting on top of my microwave in the kitchen so if I veered accidentally into the kitchen for a little indulgence I would see my jars and be reminded that it just wasn't worth it!
  • Reward!  If you are like me you work harder when there is a sweet reward involved!  Of course, simply losing the weight, body fat, and inches is a pretty sweet reward in itself but I made my extrinsic reward to be a dinner date with my husband.  So after 60 days we got to sit down and have some yummy food and a drink.  It was sweet and romantic.  Maybe yours could be a little trip somewhere you have been meaning to go?  Or that outfit you will look awesome in?  Or a spa day (yes men even you would enjoy a spa day!)?  It could be anything ~ once you decide write it down somewhere and post it in a good place like your fridge.
Sometimes getting motivated takes a little effort ~ but the pay off is huge.  You can do it ~suck it up and get uncomfortable:)


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