Monday, April 21, 2014

INSPIRE ME #6: Sarah Podollan

This is Sarah ~ she is awesome.

Sarah is inspiring for numerous reasons.  She works hard and plays hard!  This girl has a phenomenal positive energy about her and is always smiling!  Sarah is a mama to three handsome little men.  So from mom to mom I am especially inspired by her positive energy and level of fitness.  She is in amazing shape and is very strong.  Not only that but Sarah has a pretty wicked cool background ~ she is a professional dancer/actress/singer!  Yeah I am not just talking about 'professional' as in she dabbled in the arts here and there ~ she is the real deal! 
                              You might recognize her from this!

Check out the bottom left hand picture ~ that's Sarah's former music group called Nobody's Angel!  Not only was she part of Nobody's Angel but she has also worked with some folks you may know like Jordan Knight(NKOTB), Britney Spears, and  Paul McCartney!

She is one super cool chick and if you are ever in need of some inspiration attend a class with her!  And try to keep up!  Thanks Sarah for being one inspiring lady and a great role model!

Here's her interview:

1. What is your health/fitness history?

I have always been a very active person.  I started taking dance class when I was 4 and soon I was heavily into gymnastics.  When I was 9, I decided I wanted to dive into dance again and that is when my love and passion for dance started.  I grew up in a small town in Michigan but had the dream of moving to Los Angeles right after high school to start my dance career…and that's what I did!  With my parents support, I moved out to LA and received a scholarship to a dance school called The Edge.  I was training along side professionals for 8 hours a day and loving it!  

I worked as a professional dancer for 13 years before moving to Vernon.  I worked with many artists like Britney, Paul McCartney, and worked on lots of TV shows and movies like Austin Powers, that 70's show and The O.C., commercials for Pepsi, Toyota, Ford and many more.  Because of my job I stayed active but I also enjoy working out, eating heathy and staying fit.

2.  How long have you been a member at Excel?

I am proud to say I have been a member of Excel from the beginning.  After I had my second little boy I was talking to my husband and expressed that I really wanted to start doing personal training with someone.  Someone who really knew what they were doing.  He immediately said Rhonda Catt.  He is an exNHL player who trained with Rhonda on the off season.  This was before Excel opened so I joined her Life Fit program which was held outside in the early morning...I'm not a morning person!  But once I tried it, I loved it!  I was hooked and when Excel opened I was so excited.  I love Carla and the other teachers as well.  I always feel good leaving the gym.  I know I had some of the best training and I worked hard.

3.  How often do you exercise?
I try to make it to Excel three times a week.  That is ideal but sometimes it's only twice.  With three little boys 1, 3 & 4, it seems like someone is either sick or keeps us busy with other things.  So the gym gets moved down the priority list...pretty quick unfortunately.  It's not like I sit at a desk job either though.  Those three little monsters keep me on my feet chasing them until they go to sleep.  My baby is 30 pounds and I carry him quite a bit which is a workout in itself!

4.  What is a typical set of meals/snacks throughout the day for you?

I am a creature of habit when it comes to food.  My hubby, Jason Podollan, reminds me that it's good to have different things to fulfill your body's nutritional needs.  Since I married him my menu has gotten way better and I don't deprive myself of anything.  I use to avoid bread, fat, etc. ~ I still avoid sugar however.  To my surprise I weigh less, am not stressed out about food, and don't have junk food cravings!  I like eating healthy though so it's not a huge struggle for me to do so.  I typically have a low sugar, high fibre cereal in almond milk, fruit and coffee in the morning.  Once in a while I'll have yogurt with berries and nuts ~ I like that as a snack too.  

On days I go to the gym I'm there at 9am.  I'm hungry after!!!  So I either have a protein bar or egg sandwich after.  After I pick the older boys up from school at 11:30 we go have lunch at home.  I'll either make a salad or have a protein shake for myself.  We have a snack mid afternoon.  Usually fruit, nuts &/or yogurt.  Seaweed is a popular snack in our house as well.  For dinner I usually have a protein, veggie and a starch.  Example: grilled chicken thighs ~ those are our favourite ~ boneless/skinless, quinoa and broccoli.  I use coconut oil instead of butter typically and squeeze lemon on my veggies for a zing.  Just a little salt and we drink milk or water.  I drink a glass of wine when I'm cooking dinner and sometimes have a second after the kids go to sleep.  I typically don't eat anything after dinner.  Once in awhile I do crave chocolate though!  So I'll have a couple squares of a chocolate bar that is between 70-90% cocoa.  That is a typical day.  We don't go out to eat a lot cause it tends to be more work with the kids.  We do go to McDonald's once every couple months and have ice cream here and there.  We eat well but not 100% all the time ~ it's about balance at our house. 

5.  What would you say is your biggest strength in fitness?

My biggest strength in fitness is the fact that I have a passion for working out.  In terms of any specific area, I would say I am balanced.  I'm a libra, I like balance. If one week I find I do more weights, I feel it.  If I do more cardio one week, I feel it. You get the picture!

Haha! Love this Excel member in the background!
6.  What would you say is your biggest weakness in fitness?

My biggest weakness in fitness is I sometimes concentrate on one part of the body too much.  When I worked out on my own I always seemed to be working on my bum/ thighs and shoulders.  Doing the same routine over and over.  Since I've started at Excel I feel I get more of a well rounded workout and it's definitely more effective!

7.  Is there anything in particular you are training for? 
I am training for life.  I've never done a marathon or anything like that so I don't even know what that feels like.  A lot of people love them and maybe I would if I tried.  I just don't have the desire at the moment.  I have a lot of tightness in my I.T. Band on my left leg so running isn't really my friend.  The first time I had problems was at the beginning of my dance career.  It was scary because I wasn't educated on how to take care of it.  I had never heard about rolling.  Now, that's the only thing that will help besides a massage from Carla Buchanan!  I'm also a very horrible swimmer!  So all the stories I've heard about cold water plunging at Tough Mudder makes me run, no walk:) fast in the other direction!  Fitness is just apart of my life and when it's not there, I miss it!

8.  What would you say is your favourite workout?

My favorite workout is one that includes weights and cardio together.  My favourite classes at Excel are Torched, Real Ryde/TRX Strength and TRX Sport.  I think I would like Ryde Strong as well I've just never tried it.  I like workouts that are switched up often.  Excel does a great job of that!  As a dancer most of the jobs I worked on were for music videos, commercials, industrials, TV and film.  Those jobs at most lasted a week, unlike a broadway show that could last months, even years.  The short jobs always kept my interest because I was always working on something new.  That's how I like my workout too.  I'm not scared to try something new.  I love it!!!

9.  How do you keep motivated day-to-day? 

My kids motivate me.  When they get me up in the morning they are off and running!!!  Which means I am too.  Two to three times a week, after breakfast the two older ones go to school and the baby and I go to the gym.  Another thing that motivates me is the way I feel.  If I happen to not make it to the gym for whatever reason I really feel it!  I don't feel strong, my energy goes down and I'm not as happy.  I think that's the biggest thing, it makes me happy…that makes me want to listen to pharrell's song:)

10.  What would be your biggest advice to someone just starting out on his/her journey to improved health and fitness?

I guess my advice to someone just starting off would be to introduce something more healthy into your diet or a new workout every week.  If you want to make a lifestyle change it's hard to wake up one morning and expect to completely change your life.  You're setting yourself up for failure.  Maybe make a chart or list of goals that you like to be your end result and pick one every week to add into your daily or weekly life.  Then it doesn't seem so overwhelming.  

Also, support!  Have someone to go on this journey with or someone who has done it.  There's going to be challenges along the way and I'm sure you'll find every reason in the book to quit.  But if you can talk to someone maybe it'll help.  A couple months ago I was motivated to step up our healthy eating habits and found a list of the 10 healthiest foods you can eat.  I wrote them down and put them on our refrigerator.  That has helped so much!  Just to write them down and have them right in front on me.  If I'm making something I look at the list and see if I can incorporate at least one of the things from the list.  So if you introduce something like that once a week hopefully it won't be so overwhelming. 

You ROCK Sarah!
11.  If you could be any superhero you wanted who would you be and why?
If I were a super hero I'd be "The Communicator"!...I know, lame. Has nothing to do with fitness but if I could pick anything in the world it would be to be a better communicator. I think this would be valuable in all areas of my life, maybe even fitness!?? I guess I would be better at explaining how I'd like to get stronger or how to become more fit. At any rate, that would be my super power. Just think, if it were a gene that would get passed onto my kids maybe they would fight less!! It's worth dreaming about anyway:)  

Monday, April 14, 2014

Food Prep 101

In my past posts I have mentioned food prep and how I routinely do my food prep on Sundays (which is also my grocery shop day for the week).  I have been meaning to throw a food prep post together with pictures and "how-to" so here she is!

I highly recommend you do this ~ you will be so well prepared for the week, eat healthier because it is ready to go, spend less money because you know exactly what you need, and waste less food (namely fruits and veggies that you forget about at the bottom of the crisper until one day you realize there is a weird smell coming from your fridge!)  Sunday works for my family in terms of grocery shopping and doing all my food prep but Saturday can work too.  I think getting it done on the weekend is key and sets you up for much success during crazy weekdays!

I have researched numerous sites, blogs, pins and books and did a little test run with some of the recommendations.  Below is what I have found works best so far.


  • vinegar
  • water
  • cutting board
  • knives
  • glass containers with seal tight lids
  • containers (no lid)
  • mesh veggie bags
  • big strainer bowl
  • paper towel
I shop at Nature's Fare in town ~ I find their prices on local and organic items so much better than the big stores.  Will be doing farmer's markets too as the weather improves and Spring goes into full swing!

My typical fruits and veggies for the week:
  • apples
  • celery
  • pears
  • blueberries
  • strawberries
  • mushrooms
  • carrots
  • cucumber
  • peppers
  • sweet potato
  • avocados

  • Fill up your sink with cool water (about half full) and add about 1-½ cups of WHITE VINEGAR
  • Have a big old dish towel sitting right beside the sink to dry off the ones that need it.

APPLES AND PEARS(dish on counter):  soak for 30 seconds, dry off on towel and place in large dish (they stay out on your counter ~ I use a big strainer as it has holes and, therefore, good air flow ~ I find they stay nice and firm longer).

CELERY(no lid container/fridge): cut the end off.  Then cut the celery into sticks about 4 inches long.  Toss them into your vinegar/water mixture and let soak for 30 seconds.  You can rub them a bit with your hands if they are still dirty:)  While they are soaking, fill up a container with water ~ about an inch and a half deep.  No need to dry the sticks off ~ they go directly into your container ~ standing up.

STRAWBERRIES(sealed container/fridge):  soak for 30 seconds then take out and gently dry off.  You want to make sure you dry them well BUT are very gentle (as with all berries).  Once dry, cut off the ends of the strawberries.  Lay a folded piece of paper towel at the bottom of your container.  Place the cut strawberries on the paper towel and seal it up!

BLUEBERRIES(sealed container/fridge): place the blueberries in a strainer (less handling the better).  Dip in the vinegar/water mixture for about 15 seconds and splash water on them.  Pull out and pour onto dish towel.  Gently dry off (I wrap the towel over them and roll back and forth gently).  Place a folded piece of paper towel at the bottom on your container and pour the dried blueberries in.  If you have a lot ~ do one row then another piece of paper towel ~ then more on top.

BELL PEPPERS(sealed container/fridge):  soak for 30 seconds.  No need to dry off throughly ~ they can remain a little damp.  Cut out stem and slice into strips.  Place in container and seal it up!

CARROTS(mesh veggie bag/fridge):  soak carrots for 30 seconds.  Dry off and place in mesh veggie bag.  **I have also tried pre-peeling my carrots but I found they just don't taste as fresh and crisp as a fresh peel.  So when we eat carrots I do a quick peel:)

MUSHROOMS(no lid container/crisper fridge):  soak for 30 seconds and give them a good rub down ~ get all that yummy dirt off.  Be gentle though:)  You want to make sure you dry them off well.  Place a piece of paper towel at the bottom of a big container and lay them in there.  If you have more than one row, place paper towel in between.

CUCUMBER(sealed container/fridge):  soak cucumber for 30 seconds.  Cut in half (or whatever length your container is), leave skin on and leave whole.  Dampen a piece of paper towel and wrap the cucumber up.  Seal it up ~ when ready to eat cut it up more.    **I have tried pre slicing, etc. but found, just like carrots, it is better fresh!


SWEET POTATOES & AVOCADOS just go directly in the big strainer bowl with my apples and pears.

TOMATOES: soak for 30 seconds and dry off.  Place in ventilated container and leave on counter.  I wash out the container they came in and reuse it sometimes.

LEMONS: place in a bowl in the fridge

HERE IS THE FINAL PRODUCT ~ all ready for the week!

If you are feeling super keen you can also make up a batch of my turkey chilli and weight loss soup!  When I have allotted time on Sunday I will usually do a grocery shop earlier in the day and then come home and do my fruit/veggie prep along with a pot of soup and a batch of turkey chilli.  THE MORE ACCESSIBLE good food is the BETTER YOU AND YOUR FAMILY EAT!

Thursday, April 10, 2014

C is for Cookie: Post Workout Recovery

I like cookies ~ it's true!  In the last couple months I have been wanting to create my own post-workout cookie ~ I know of a local company (find them here) which makes super yummy ones and also a couple other members at Excel that seem to have their recipes down pat.  I know special recipes like this are heavily guarded:) but I am breaking the rules, making my own and sharing it with you!  Because when people know better they do better and how great is it to be able to make your own post workout recovery cookies WHILE knowing what is in them and how they will benefit you!  I like the idea that I can create my own and control the ingredients ~ plus it's fun creating from scratch especially when you have inspiration from the web and folks you workout with.

Well after "Pinteresting", "google-ing", and lots of reading I have put together a POST WORKOUT RECOVERY COOKIE recipe.  But I went one step further and will provide you with the WHY of the ingredients ~ which I think is uber important and something commonly overlooked.  **Side note: there are probably tons of books that discuss the health benefits to different foods but one I came across and borrowed from our library is called SUPERFOODS: The Healthiest Foods on the Planet by T. Reinhard.  It is awesome and super detailed!**

Now I have gone ahead and baked a couple batches this afternoon and they are pretty good.  I plan to alter the recipe a bit and I will publish the updated and improved recipes as time goes on.  This is what I am calling "Cookie 'A'" :)

Before we jump into the recipe, let's talk a little about why a post workout snack/meal is so important.  To put it simply, you must replace the energy lost in the workout.  You must replenish your body to help it recover properly!  In my research, there were two main areas of focus when it comes to formulating your post workout food.  It must be:

1.  Rich in COMPLEX carbohydrates (i.e. whole grains, bananas, sweet potatoes)

  • Replenish glycogen stores
  • Don't raise blood sugar
  • Help produce energy

2.  Rich in PROTEIN

  • Repair damaged muscle and tissue
In What the Health magazine they explain it like this:  "When you exercise, your body burns fat, which is then used for energy.  If you eat right after you workout, those calories won't be used to replace the burned body fat.  Your body only stores food as fat when it doesn't have anything else to do with those extra calories you eat" (E. Borgeest, 2014).  

WHAT ABOUT THAT "WINDOW" EVERYONE IS TALKING ABOUT?  If you have attended the nutrition sessions with Dina on Mondays you will have learned that the 20 minute window that has historically been publicized is changing somewhat.  Research is now saying you have up to two hours.  What is right?  What should you do?  In all the articles I have looked at, though the exact "window" might differ, most promote refuelling as quickly as you can.  I prefer to snack right away and make sure I have a little something to nibble on right when I leave Excel.  It does take a little planning.  And since you just worked your butt off I think it is important to take the time to treat your body right.  Two other facts I found interesting are:
  • Your body's ability to restore muscle energy drops by 50% if you wait more than two hours to eat after your workout.
  • Eating right after will increase the insulin in your body and helps your body utilize carbs better for the next 24 hours.
So what was I aiming for when I was playing around with this recipe idea?  Carbs, proteins, a little healthy fat and anti-inflammatory ingredients.  I am not a pro baker by any means but I like to play around and see what happens.  With this one I focused on the BENEFITS of the ingredients and incorporated ones that I thought would be most beneficial to a post workout recovery.  Again I am not a nutritionist or baker ~ I am just a girl that loves fitness and think it's important to nourish my body! 

Marley HAS to help with all the baking!

THE COOKIE "A": Ingredients and the why
    • high in natural sugars make them a quick source of energy
    • considered "superfruit" loaded with vitamin C and antioxidants
    • combat free radicals = support immune function 
    • protect muscles against cramps
    • loaded with calcium to help bone health
    • regulates blood sugar
    • reduce swelling and inflammation
    • increase white blood cells
    • rich in pectin = aid digestion
    • lowers body temperature
    • loaded with heart healthy monounsaturated fats ~ omega 3 fatty acids (**Omega 3s create anti-inflammatory prostaglandins which reduce inflammation)
    • good source of copper and manganese (mineral that helps enzymes in bone formation)
    • good for your heart and circulatory system
    • antioxidant + anti-inflammatory + helps with correct balance in inflammation-regulating molecules
    • "unique in their collection of anti-inflammatory nutrients"
    • melatonin in naturally occurring in walnuts! meaning they can help with your regulation of sleep and daily circadian rhythms
    • high in protein + fibre + manganese + vitamin B1 + magnesium
    • due to being high in insoluble fibre they fill you up = your body digests and absorbs them slowly keeping you feeling full, controlling your appetite and delaying hunger pangs = help curb those cravings
    • regulates blood sugar = stable energy levels and moods
    • anti-inflammatory
    • improves insulin sensitivity = helps reduce sugar and carb cravings
    • help improve fatigue + muscle and joint pain
    • full of healthy fats + omega 3s
    • high in protein + potassium + vitamin B9, B6, C, E, K + calcium + fibre
    • low in sugar
    • proven to promote healthy body weight and BMI
    • contain PHYTOSTEROLS = anti-inflammatory
    • carotenoid-rich = help protect body immune system
  • PEANUT BUTTER (natural & organic)
    • high in protein, good fat, fibre
    • vitamin E = reduce cellular damage
    • good for building and repairing muscles
    • good source of energy
  • EXTRA VIRGIN OLIVE OIL (**side note: I am aware benefits are lowered when EVOO is heated but I also can across information that stated it was different when in baked goods ~ I am taking a gamble:)
    • good for heart health
    • antioxidants
    • good fats which help control hunger cravings
    • super high is omega 3s, fibre and other vitamins
    • improve blood sugar control
    • due to being high in fibre it helps slow down absorption of food = leading to steady release of energy and a healthier, more efficient digestive system

DRY ingredients
  • 2 cups rolled oats
  • 1 cup oat flour (positive spelt, whole wheat or a gluten free specialty flour would be fine too)
  • 2 tbsp ground flaxseed
  • 1 tsp baking powder
  • 1 tsp cinnamon
  • 3/4 cups walnuts, chopped
  • ½ cup dried cranberries
WET ingredients
  • 2 ripe bananas, mashed
  • ½ medium ripe avocado, mashed
  • 1/4 peanut butter
  • 1/4 cup honey (manuka if possible)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • ⅓ cup EVOO
  • ⅓ cup water
Preheat oven to 375 degrees.  Combine WET ingredients in your mixer and mix it all up.  Combine your DRY ingredients in a separate bowl.  Once WET ingredients are all mixed, slowly pour DRY ingredients into the mixer while it is at a slow stir mode.  MIX IT UP!  Lightly brush a couple cookie sheets with some oil (I used coconut cause I like baking with it).  Spoon out cookies about the size of a golfball about an inch or so apart.  Toss in the oven and bake for roughly 13-15 minutes. VOILA!  Bon appetite!

RESULTS:  My husband likes the cookies and so does my 3 and 1 year old.  I found them a bit heavy BUT I had added a little more peanut butter then the recipe I threw up above.  I liked the bananas and avocado and the dried cranberries pair nicely with the walnuts.  OVERALL, I would give it a 7 out of 10.  I baked half with some yummy semi-sweet chocolate chips (cause who doesn't LOVE chocolate) ~ I think that will for sure part of COOKIE "B"(the second test run:)  I left them out for a few hours after to let them set really well ~ I think they might be fridge worthy too.  A little cool could be yummy.  I think they are perfect to pop into a little container and chow down on one or two after working out!  I am going to play around a little more to make them more palpable and more beneficial!  Once I have a absolute winner I will figure out the nutritional breakdown to a tee for you.  It's a good start and after a few more test runs I think it will be awesome!

Holy research Batman!

Sorry for a bit of a delay in posting~ was just waiting to hear back from an Inspire profile Excel member and am in the midst of putting her post together.  PLUS since last post I have been busy researching post-workout recovery cookies. I am in the midst of creating my own recipe based on other recipes I haves read and research regarding most beneficial foods/ingredients.  I think we are bombarded with "eat this" "this is good for you" type thing but do you really KNOW WHY you are eating what you are eating?  Like why are cranberries good for you, what are the benefits of banana, etc.  My goal is to provide you with a post workout recovery cookie and the REASONING behind the included ingredients:). As it stands right now I have created one and am planning to bake in the next couple days. Once I have that done I will alter it as needed and publish my work!  And you can go off and bake your own!  Super excited! Check back in a couple of days!! THANK YOU!