Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Sick of Being Sick!

For the past month I have had to tone down training tons and it sucks but I am looking forward to getting back into the saddle soon.  I finished my report cards a week early late on the first Friday of December.  I went to bed feeling accomplished, happy, relaxed and woke up with that devilish little tickle in the back of my throat...you know the one...tell tale sign you are starting a cold.  Since Saturday December 6 I have been sick.  I didn't take time off work and had a Christmas concert that I was helping with plus Christmas parties so I just kept trucking (mistake #1).  I think I trained maybe 2 or 3 times between the 6th and the 20th (the second time in 3 years I haven't worked out at least 3 times a week ~ first was after my appendectomy in August).  Once school ended on the 19th I was so fatigued and had a horrible sinus head cold type thing.  I also saw the Optometrist on the 18th and was told I have severe dry eye ~ she was blown away that I wasn't in a lot of pain daily!  Have scratches and little hemorrhages on my eyes so had to do special drops, wear contacts less, warm compresses, etc.  Tomorrow I have my appointment to check in and see where we are at with that.  Supposedly I have ZERO fluid in my eye!
My life for the last few weeks:)

So super bad head cold (thinking I had two in a row), very tired and bad eyes.  Had to cancel my 32nd birthday celebration with family because of how sick I was plus my two babes were sick with colds and my husband had a flu.  Of course, as a mom I still had a bunch of things to do to prep for Christmas so I kept on trucking but rested a little more when I wasn't shopping, wrapping, decorating, etc.  On Christmas Eve I took my kids and myself to the walk-in clinic because they both complained of sore ears the evening of the 23rd, plus I was now hacking up a lung.  Turns out they both had fluid in one of their ears from their colds and I had developed bronchitis.  OH LOVELY!  So antibiotics for all of us.  6 days later and the kids are doing great and Paul is back to healthy too.  As for me I am still congested and headachy with a bit of chest congestion.  I am taking vitamin C, my multivitamin, anti-viral, and my anti-biotic.  And doing neti-pot a few times a day which seems to help.  I so desperately want to train and was hoping to get out last night but I am just not feeling ready.  I have signed up for a Ryde class on Friday and I am keeping my fingers crossed that I can do it!

What have I learned?  
1.  Well I really think that if I had slowed down a bit when I first got sick and took care of myself more from the very start I may have gotten over this a lot quicker.
2.  Even though being sick over your holidays sucks I think it would suck more to have to deal with work and be sick.
3.  Being sick forced us to have a low-key holiday season which I think was what we needed sick or not.  It has been full steam ahead since the end of August and I think we were all a little worn out.
4.  Naps are a requirement on holidays, especially when you are sick.
5.  Don't jump back into training while you are sick ~ rest, fluids, eat.

I think that in addition to exposure to different germs from school kids and my kids being in daycare PLUS stress from being back at work in a new position was the perfect storm.  I am going to try to be more proactive in the future, stress less, rest more and give myself a break at the onset of an illness.  A bright side is I spent a lot of time just being with Marley and Jonah ~ I didn't have the energy I usually do to constantly be working on chores, etc. so I just hung out with them:)  We all know how important balance is and I think being sick for this past month was the universe shaking me up, telling me that I was out of balance.  Another good thing about being sick is being reminded of how we should not take our health for granted when we are not ill.

I am SO excited to hop back into my training once I am better.  As I am sure many moms and dads can attest too ~ it is a learning curve to figure out how to balance working, kids, life and training and I think the hard part (the start) is now out of the way for me.  Take care of yourself first moms and dads!  I am SO very ready to lead a healthy and happy life for 2015!  Here's to kicking butt in 2015!

Thursday, November 20, 2014

INSPIRE #8: Lorrie Black Kowalski

This is Lorrie ~ she is awesome.

There is this lady at Excel.  She has such a strong positive energy and is always smiling!  She is friendly, hardworking, and, most of all, INSPIRING!  Her name is Lorrie and if you have been lucky enough to workout with her you know exactly what I am talking about!  Pure and simple, she works her butt off!  I admire her perseverance so much and love working out with her!  I am so glad she accepted my invite to participate in my Inspire Me series as I know her story will easily inspire so many folks.  Thanks for being awesome Lorrie!  

Here's her interview:  

1. What is your health/fitness history?

My fitness history started in high school where I played soccer, basketball, and a lot of street hockey. I was always outside playing hockey with my family, my friends, and my brother. They did not have "girls" hockey teams when I was young, so I stuck to playing street hockey. I also figure-skated for a bit but I liked hockey better:). I moved to Vancouver after I graduated from Revelstoke High School and that is when I really started getting into training.  

I worked at a bank in downtown Vancouver, and I would run up to my gym on my lunch hour to fit in a class, or go at 7 am before work, or after work, but I always worked out 5 days a week. I loved it! I did cardio classes, weights, and step aerobics which was huge back then. On the weekends I loved to bike ride, walk around the seawall, or go hiking. When tae bo/martial arts classes came out I really got into the boxing classes. Such a great stress reliever!  

So, in general, I have always been active. I love, love the way I feel after I work out. Any work out, any exercise! I feel motivated, full of energy, and happy. I train to feel good. I train to better my condition. I do struggle with my weight. I gained 70 pounds in my pregnancy with my daughter~yikes! I worked really hard to take that weight off by heading right back to gym when she was three weeks old! I did get back down to within 10 lbs of my 129lb pound pre-baby weight. Since then, I still struggle. I really can not drink wine, or go off my eating plan, in any way or I will gain weight!

2. What does your exercise routine look like?  How long have you been a member at Excel?

My specific training is all Excel based. I love the Real Ryde classes because of the intense cardio, and I also love doing Strength Lab and Torched. The motivation I get from fellow members at Excel always keeps me motivated to work out hard. Rhonda and Carla are also so hilarious~I laugh a lot at excel! They are very knowledgeable, and always keeping up with the latest and greatest techniques/form etc. I really just pick two cardio and two strength classes per week. That does not always happen for me because of kids/schedule, etc. so I sometimes workout outside, or ride the bike at Excel for 45 minutes followed by some weights and stretching/rolling. I have been a member with Excel since August of 2010. Love it!

3. Thoughts on meals.  What is a typical set of meals/snacks throughout the day for you?

I tend to not eat enough. I eat clean, but I tend to get busy and not eat enough good foods. I recently picked up a book by Hilary Pomroy called "The Fast Metabolism Diet". I DO NOT like the word "diet", but this book is more of a plan to eat good foods, every 2-3 hrs. It has helped me a lot. I have recently lost 14lbs because I have eaten more good, healthy greens, proteins, grains, fruits, and nuts. A typical day for me is eggs & fruit in morning. Two hours later, a fruit or protein. Or fruit and almonds. Lunch is quinoa and veggies, or a big tuna salad, chicken and veggies, or 1 slice sprouted grain bread with protein and veggies. Two hours later a snack, and for dinner is usually Protein, veggie, and sweet potato.  

4. What is a typical set of meals/snacks throughout the day for you?I drink a lot of lemon water, and I flavour my water with green tea bags of different flavours. I try to not eat sugar or artificial sugar. I sweeten my drinks with stevia~ which is a plant derived sweetener, all natural. I also take vitamins daily from a friend at the gym's cousin who is a registered nutritionist. She put me on a program that has further helped me along in a healthy well-being!

5. What would you say is your biggest strength in fitness?

My biggest strength in fitness is my competitiveness! I want to do my best while I am working out. If someone besides me is working harder than me, then I will want to work as hard as them. I thrive on pushing myself as hard as I can.

6.  What would you say is your biggest weakness in fitness?

My biggest weakness in fitness would be my lower body strength. My upper body is stronger than my lower body. I also have to constantly check my "form" when doing weights.

7.  What would you say is your favourite work out?

My favourite work out is the Ryde biking classes. I love the loud music, the fast pace, and the kick butt cardio! I also love the "pile on the weights" strength lab classes. It is amazing how much stronger you get from week to week:)

8. How do you keep motivated day-to-day?

I keep motivated by the way that I feel when I work out. It really is a lifestyle for me. If I fall out of my schedule for whatever reason, I do not feel as good as when I exercise. 

9.  What would be your biggest advice to someone just starting out on his/her journey to improved health and fitness?

Start out slow. Don't over do it so that you burn out after two weeks. You have to ease into it and you have to love the classes you go to. Make sure you commit to working-out three times a week, and do it! Wake up, eat, and go workout! Once you get into the habit of going, it becomes a way of life! Soon you will want to workout more, you will feel the benefits from exercising and you will love it! You will meet people that you look forward to seeing every workout day! They will motivate you, and they will make you laugh! It's a win-win for you. Most of all, (this one I know too well) don't be hard on yourself. Commend yourself for a job well done! You deserve it!

10. If you could be any superhero you wanted who would you be and why?

That would have to be 'Jean Gray' ~ a.k.a. 'Phoenix' of "X-Men". She is a good mix of hero. She is the most powerful X-Men character and the most powerful female in the super hero world. Most importantly, she has a conscience that often demonstrates compassion, especially to the ones closest to her. I like to be strong, but keep my compassion too!

Thursday, November 13, 2014

What are you training for? I got you a list of OPTIONS!

As we slowly but surely approach the New Year, goal setting lingers in many peoples' minds.  Guess what?!  You don't have to wait until the New Year to make a plan! Yahoo:)  I know for myself I love having something to train for ~ it keeps me motivated and makes me push myself that extra mile.  

It can also give you a specific focus for your training whether it be running, strength training, or learning how to swim a far distance for a triathlon.  I have been thinking a lot about what I want to achieve for my fitness goals in 2015 and have compiled a list of local events to help narrow it down.  **I consider local range Kamloops to Oliver.  

Here are some races you might be interested in!

1)  Reebok Spartan Race Sun Peaks
September 26 & 27, 2015 (tentative race date)

"Reebok Spartan Race is the world's largest obstacle race that challenges entrants to discover their "inner warrior". The course is 22km+ with 30+ obstacles scattered throughout and has an expected 5,000 racers and 1,000 spectators. The participants go off in limited size waves every 30 mins starting at 8:00am. At the finish line, all successfully completed racers receive a Spartan t-shirt and medal to show off with pride as we celebrate with live music and beer gardens on-site. This obstacle event is for both genders and all levels of fitness."
Check out their website here!
Check out their Facebook group here!

2)  Dirty Feet ~ Snowshoe and Trail Run Series
Feb 1st, 2015 - The North Face Dirty Feet Snowshoe Fun Run – Stake Lakes, Kamloops – 5km & 10km
Feb 7th, 2015 - (Saturday) -The North Face Dirty Feet “Night” Snowshoe Fun Run – Big White, Kelowna – 5km & 10km
Feb 21st, 2015 (Saturday) -The North Face Dirty Feet “Night” Snowshoe Fun Run – Silver Star, Vernon – 5km & 10km
Feb 28th, 2015 -(Saturday)- The North Face Dirty Feet “Night” Snowshoe Fun Run– Sun Peaks Resort – 5km & 10km
March 29th, 2015 –The North Face Dirty Feet Trail run #1 – Kamloops BC – 5km, 10km & 21km
May 3rd, 2015 –The North Face Dirty Feet Kal Park 50 – Vernon BC – 8km, 25km & 50km
May 31st, 2015 –The North Face Dirty Feet Trail run #2 – Kelowna BC – 5km, 10km & 21km
June 14th, 2015 – The North Face Dirty Feet – 6 hr Loop the Loops relay - Kamloops BC – Teams of 4, 2 & solo MOUNTAIN BIKING 
July 19th, 2015 – The North Face Dirty Feet Mountain Bike XC – New shorter 10-15km course option and Marathon 20/40/60km MOUNTAIN BIKING
July 12th, 2015 –The North Face Dirty Feet Trail run #3 – Vernon BC – 5km, 10km & 21km
Aug 16th, 2015 -The North Face Dirty Feet Trail Run #3.5 – Revelstoke BC – 5km, 10km & 21km
September 12th, 2015 - The North Face Dirty Feet  Mountain 50km & Relay – Sun Peaks BC – “National 50km Canadian Championships”- includes 4 legs, clover leaf design, amazing high alpine views & scenery, fun flowy trails. Solo or 2 – 4 person teams. Make it a weekend and sign up for the Sunday run too!!
September 13th, 2015 -The North Face Dirty Feet King & Queen of the Mountain – 16km, 10km & 5km fun Run at Sun Peaks Resort.
September 27th, 2015 –The North Face Dirty Feet Trail Run #4 – Kamloops BC – 5km, 10km & Half Marathon
November 1st, 2015–The North Face Dirty Feet Tunnel Run and relay – Penticton BC – 20km solo or 2 person relay.
Check out their website here!
June 13th, 2015 @ Silver Star in Vernon, BC
"So you’ve done a few mud runs or obstacle races and want something new to test your skills? We’ve got you covered! 
If you are brave enough, show your friends you're a boss and show your skills in our mud pits, cargo climbs and DEATH DROP! 
You'll also need to be ready to bounce your way through adult sized inflatables and ride 50 foot slip n’ slides.
Think you’ve got what it takes? Then dive into 5K Foam Fest Canada and let’s see!"

Check out their website here!

4) Mudd, Sweat & Tears 

May 9th, 2015 @ Crystal Mountain Resort in West Kelowna, BC
"Mudd, Sweat and Tears Kelowna 2015 offers racers a challenging super charged 8km course. Our courses combine the best organic and natural features found throughout each site, with a series of constructed obstacles, which will have you – crawling, climbing, swimming, carrying and dragging yourself, possibly fellow competitors, and a series of objects: up, over, under, through and around hill and dale. And just when you think there can’t be another hill to climb or pit to drag yourself through…."
Check out their website here!

5)  Freak n' Farmer
No date set as of yet ~ located at Covert Farms in Oliver, BC

This is an obstacle course, mud race.  Looks like a freak n' good time!
Here is their Facebook page!
Here is their website!

Want more local races (straight run and triathlon)?  Check out the Kal Rats website for information on other races including the Winter Carnival 10km and the Sprint Triathlon here!

If you are kicking around Edmonton or Calgary it might be fun to try a Zombie race!  I signed up for one last year in Kelowna but it fell thru due to lack of participants:(  Either way it looks like fun!  Click here for more information!

And OF COURSE if you are hanging around Whistler in June you can always take in a little TOUGH MUDDER

And if you are really ready to kick some tush why not just do the CANADIAN DEATH RACE (yah the name is not scary at all....haha)!!!!!


Choosing something specific to train for can make all the difference in your motivation and stick-with-it-ness.  I am for sure doing the Spartan Beast again and am hoping to throw in a couple less extreme races like the Foam Fest and a Dirty Feet.  There are LOTS of running races that I didn't throw up on here because I do not enjoy running as much as I do the obstacle courses:)  A quick google search can present you with a ton more options!  

Pick one you are interested in doing and train away!  
You got this!

Monday, September 29, 2014

SPARTAN COMPLETED 5 weeks after Appendectomy!

Smiling thru the pain and cramping!
Wow!  Gruelling, challenging, difficult, painful, CRAZZZZYYYY!  All these words describe the Spartan Beast Race that I participated in on Saturday.  The race was close to 15 miles long and had 28 obstacles.  For every obstacle failed you have to do 30 burpees.  I ended up not completing 3 obstacles so I had to do *only* 90 burpees.  Spear throw, traverse wall and rope climb were the trouble makers:)  You climb over 2800 meters then down then up then down!  And let me tell you ~ your calves really hate you after (and, well, during) this type of event.
Getting ready to rock it!
In terms of gear: I wore the same gear I wore last year but I added knee pads (just a cheap used pair of volleyball kneepads) and wrist sweatbands that I wore on my elbows (because my elbow bones kill me when I army crawl).  I also wore a "waist slimming belt" ~ it was made of neoprene ~ I repurposed it though cause trust me when you are running this race you aren't worrying how slim you look!  It was something that could easily provide support and protection to my 5 week post appendectomy body.  When you are carrying the 5 litre bucket full of dirt on the down hill it was nice to have that padding on my stomach where the bucket was pressing.
Thank goodness that is done!
The weather was awesome ~ no snow, no rain.  It was sunny and a little windy at times.  The water was freezing and muddy ~ but you really don't mind that because your legs feel glorious getting an ice bath!

Overall, it was a super crazy ~ when you are climbing these extreme inclines for a long time and then running down then climbing back up then padding back down you sure have time to question what the heck you are doing up there!  I loved the obstacles this year ~ very challenging and for a non-runner like myself I love how the obstacles really add variety to the race.  Prevent you from overthinking about your sore pelvis, cramped calf, etc.  It took me 4 hours and 49 minutes ~ I never stopped for a break during this time ~ that was go-go-go.  I love the trails because your brain is actively planning out your steps and it sort of feels like parkour!
Time for a celebratory Caesar I think!
I think any racer is hopeful they won't get injured and when I completed the race pretty much injury free I was elated!  Today, 2 days post race, I am sore and tired but so so so proud of my body and my mind for accomplishing what I did.  I think I will probably do it again next year since it is cheaper and way more accessible than the Mudder.  Tell you what though ~ I am going to set up a spear throw area and a traverse wall in my back yard so I pass them with flying colours next year!!:)

You gonna give it a try?!?!  You should!

Things to keep in mind to prep for an obstacle race:

  • Cut your toe nails so they don't press against your shoes ~ cause with wet, muddy, crazy inclines, declines, climbing and jumps your feet move around!
  • Drink electrolytes well beforehand ~ day leading up and day of ~ I cramped more this year and I know that is most likely the reason.  I slacked off the day pre-race.
  • Pack gels or gummies to refuel along the way ~ but make sure you try them in advance so you know how your body reacts to them.
  • Pack a camelpack!  Water stations were few and far between ~ I find I huff and puff so hard that whole time that I need water constantly ~ little sips though :)
  • Shoes meant for trail running and a LOT of impact should be a priority!
  • Dress in layers ~ polypropylene for a base.   Dry wick materials are great.  
  • I padded up and wore gloves ~ this saved my knees and elbows ~ increased my speed thru the trenches for sure.  I took my gloves off for monkey bars.  They are handy when climbing logs, doing army crawling, rope climbs, cement brick carries, plastic 5 L bucket carry, and when you have to do burpees.  They attached to my camel pack straps when I was not using them.
  • Windbreaker or light packable rain jacket if it is a rainy or snowy race.
  • I love my BUFFs ~ I wear 2 when I race ~ then I can ninja myself up if the weather turns horrible.  Keeping ears warm, head warm and breath (wear it like a western bank robber) warm come in handy.
  • Eat good fuel food days leading up the race ~ I also eat a pasta meal the evening before.  Lighter breakfast on day of race ~ this year I did oatmeal with fruit and some juice.  PLUS LOTS AND LOTS of water!
  • Try to go bathroom before the race ~ trust me.
  • Pack really comfortable socks and shoes to wear after race ~ your feet will be in rough shape.  
In addition to being stiff and sore post-race I also get sores in my nose!  Yeah I know!  Happened last year and this year ~ supposedly it is just the way my body responds to serious stress and trauma like cold sores.  The heavy breathing, change it altitude, huge stress physically and mentally all contribute.  So I have to take pills right after the race ~ 2 sets of 4 pills 12 hours apart to stop it.  Not that this will happen to you but you know how your body handles stress so my point is to be prepared for post race "stuff".  Maybe book your massage or chiro appointment too;)  

Either way this race is a doozy!  I think everyone should do it once in their lives to see just how amazing your mind and body can be.  The swag is already up on my vision board and next year I hope to do that much better.  I hope my family comes up to see me cross the finish line next year because that would be very special:)

For more information on the race go to http://ca-en.spartanrace.com/about and for an amazing place to train for an event like this check out http://excelfit.ca.  I would never even consider doing this race if it wasn't for my awesome training at Excel!  Hope to see you up there next year!!!

Wednesday, September 3, 2014

The Unexpected: Recovery Time

Hours after surgery ~ that's a morphine smile:)
Holy smokes!  Did my life get a little turned upside down over the last couple weeks ~ hence, a long overdue post!  Ok ~ long story short :) Well...sort of:)  About two weeks ago I began to have stomach pains.  It was like a dull cramp (whole stomach) and when I laid down and pressed on the lower right side, I would get these super sharp pains spreading across my stomach.  On day 4 I went to the walk-in clinic to see what was up since nothing (and I mean nothing) would relieve this 24/7 dull pain.  Doc told me to take tylenol and advil and it will probably go away.  He said it could be numerous things like ovarian cyst, appendix, digestive system, etc.  And pretty much time will tell.  He also booked me for an ultrasound for September 12th which was waayyyyy to long for me especially since it was greatly impacting day-to-day life with my kids.

That night I had a feeling that I needed to do something about the pain.  I went to the ER and waited 3 hours to be seen ~ by the time I was seen it was late so they told me to come back in the morning to have an ultrasound.  So home I went with some painkillers.  The next morning I headed back with my husband and received an ultrasound which confirmed my appendix was abnormal.  That was around 10:30am ~ I was in a hospital bed on morphine by 1:30pm and waited for my turn for surgery.  At around 11:00pm I had my appendix removed and was awake by 1:30am.  They make 3 incisions and fill you with CO2 to balloon you up so they can move around your insides & see things clearly.  They go in with a camera and some tools and end up pulling out the appendix via belly button.  I was able to have this form of surgery because mine had not ruptured.  Tell you what though the pain from this was incredible (my emergency c-section with my daughter had nothing on this!)

My top half is to the left:)  Both the lower incisions were on my c-section incision ~ my poor lower torso:)
The surgeon said it was EXTREMELY close to rupturing so I feel sooooo lucky we caught it in time!
The next day was pain killers, sleeping and a tiny bit of eating.  That night I was discharged and off home I went.  Saturday was ok (had my son's 2nd birthday to celebrate as I missed it on the Friday as I was in hospital all day!  Had a little dinner, cake and presents with a small group of family and friends).  Sunday I had to head back to the ER because I had a bad reaction to the painkillers I was on (nausea and vomiting ~ oh lovely:).  Another 3 hour wait in the ER throwing up into the cardboard caps they give you and finally was given some anti-nausea medication.  Ended up waiting 3 hours in a chair hooked up to an IV then put into a hospital bed around 2:30am! Yes 2:30am!  They wanted me to stay overnight so the doctor could check me in the morning to make sure my stitches were still ok from the pressure from throwing up.  I was checked and discharged Monday at 10:30am.

My birthday boy:) Kinda funny two years to THE DAY I was in the hospital just in a different ward;)
**Side note: I have suffered stomach aches off and on for a couple months along with fatigue which I posted about a little while ago.  By the sounds of it ~ it is most likely connected to what was happening internally with my appendix.  I just assumed it was my anxiety causing the stomach aches ~ with returning to work and all coming up but pretty sure it was my body telling me something wasn't right:)  Thank you body:)

Monday was a bad day.  Tuesday was a very bad day.  I was feeling so horrible and mentally, emotionally I was exhausted.  Have anxiety quite bad as it is and this exacerbated it.  Was feeling extremely blue about everything that was happening.  Luckily I have support and am now feeling much more positive and hopeful about recovering.  My husband Paul was super dad/nurse and helped me tons.  He took Tuesday off and came to look after the kids so I could rest a little.

The last painkillers I took were on Sunday morning so from then on I have been healing up without painkillers.  I decided I would rather just wait it out and not have a foggy head, risk getting sick again, etc.  So here we are!  A little over a week and a half ago and healing up:)  Training at Excel has been put on hold ~ my surgeon said between 3-4 weeks I can jump back in so very excited for that.  I am able to more stationary things like walking, spin, etc. so hoping to do a spin class next week.

What have I learned?
Oh man ~ this has been a hard couple weeks ~ throws you thru a huge loop especially when you have a 2 year old and a 3 year old at home depending on you.  In addition, I am returning to work right now so I had a ton of prep to do but, of course, being so sick and tired really puts a dent in how productive you can be.  Life already had some gigantic changes and it for sure was horrible timing.  But now that I am healing up I am feeling much more positive and so appreciative of not being in constant PAIN.  Don't take your health for granted folks.  Something I think everyone knows but we easily forget until something like this happens.  This sure slowed me down which probably wasn't a bad thing and it resets your focus.  I am so grateful for my husband - Paul, my kids, my family and my friends that helped babysit while I was in hospital.

What's next?
I will get back to some training next week and see how it feels.  Everything is looking pretty good from the surgery (it was laporscopic so there are 2 small incisions on my pubic bone area and one larger one - like 2 inches long - down from my belly button).  Getting my digestive systems working again after so many chemicals in my body has been a challenge and the headaches and shoulder aches from the CO2 have been bad but are getting better.  If I wake up in the morning and I am not hurting then I am smiling!  Tell you what if you are not in pain or recovering from an injury right this second ~ get up and go do something physical!  I can't wait to get back to Excel.  Fingers crossed I will get the go ahead in a couple weeks to run the Spartan Beast (if my body is ok with it I for sure can use that for my mental health!)  Doc thinks I will be okay to do it but will check and confirm whether or not in a couple weeks.  Right now it is time to help my babies get into the rhythm of childcare, get back to working, eating right, staying hydrated and enjoying the time I have with Paul, Marley and Jonah.  Hopefully I will see some of you at Excel next week y'all!  Now tell your body you love it and that you are thankful for all the things it does for you;)  Cheers!

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Fighting Fatigue

For the last few months I have been dead tired.  Like all the time ~ dead tired.  I exercise between 3-5 times a week, I eat what I would consider a fuel fulfilling diet, drink lots of water, get some good old sunshine ~ overall, healthy lifestyle.  Sleeping seems to be an issue ~ wake in the middle of the night and can't fall back asleep.  Life stress I know is an issue too ~ not at liberty to say but a lot of "stuff" is going on in my personal life, in addition to many big changes on the horizon with my kids going into daycare and me returning to work.  

So pretty sure my endless fatigue is a result of stress and lack of restful sleep due to stress.  It is impacting everything (like patience with my kiddies, how hard I can train, etc.) so I did go get some blood work done just to rule out anything wonky within my body.  It turns out that I also have borderline low iron.  Which I am now taking a supplement for (for at least the next 6 months).  My doc also told me that though my iron was on the low side it for sure is not the main reason for my fatigue and told me to focus on dealing with stress.  She also mentioned adrenal fatigue.  In talking to some lovely folks at Nature's Fare, an Adrenal Tonic was brought up.  I did some research and it feels like it "fits" where I am and what I need.  Here is a very detailed site regarding adrenal fatigue ~ http://www.adrenalfatigue.org/what-is-adrenal-fatigue.  At this point I am up to try anything to improve the situation.  Tired of being tired if you know what I mean!

So here is my game plan which I started almost 2 weeks ago and I am starting to see some results:

1.  Maintain my level of training ~ at the same time listen to my body and take a rest when I need it.  Pull back if my body is telling me to do so.

2.  Maintain my diet.  But avoid the caffeine and alcohol altogether until my system feels better.  I am not a coffee drinker (actually have never had a cup of coffee before!) plus I am once in a blue moon drinker but over the last couple months of summer I have had more caesars than I used too:)  Either way keep it nice and clean until I regain some energy!  Harder to bounce back when you already are fatigued.

3.  Cut screen time at night ~ read a book instead.  I made the mistake of getting into a couple series on my iTunes so it was tempting to stay up for "just one more episode".  I know that screen time at night also makes your brain a little more restless.

4.  Early to bed and early to rise.

5.  Take 30 minutes every day to do something for myself, by myself.  Like sitting outside.  Going for a walk.  Something where I don't have to little kids on me.  This is where waking up before them can be handy ~ having a little chill time to start the day instead of jumping out of bed and running to babies!

6.  Drink a lot of water.

7.  Therapy ~ talking out the stress and get some coping advice.

8.  Try a sleepy-time tea if it was a restless, busy or anxious day.

9.  Supplements:

  • MegaFood Women's One Daily
  • Natural Factors Bio C
  • Fish oil
  • MegaFood Blood Builder (this is my iron supplement ~ love this brand as it is a whole food, easier for my body to absorb and I don't get nauseous from it as I do with some other brands)
  •  St Francis STREST Adrenal Tonic ~ I'm testing this one out.  Here is the write up on the particular adrenal gland support product I have:  
    • "combines six of the most potent and significant herbal adaptogens in the world. The word “adaptogen” was first coined by Russian scientists to describe an agent or remedy that acts as a metabolic regulator, helping the body cope with the many damaging physical and emotional stresses encountered in day-to-day living, especially in our modern age."
    • "Factors like a daily commute, pollution, strenuous exercise, and poor diet can all exert a negative influence on immune and adrenal functions, not to mention our mental and emotional equilibrium."
    • "enabling the body to recover from the toll taken by all these worries and pressures.  Strest® nurtures the nervous system and offers a superb means of reducing anxiety and mental fatigue. At the same time, it improves sleep patterns and promotes a calm state of mind, even as it enhances mood stability."

Life is messy and it is harder to deal with messes when you are so tired.  I want to get back to my energetic self and I have everything in place to lead a energetic and healthy life so now it is time to kick it into high gear and get some umph back!

Do you suffer from chronic fatigue?  If yes, please comment below or email me ~ would love to hear how you deal with it!

Oh and note to self ~ 31 year olds should not go tubing behind a boat like they did when they were 13!  The ole body takes a beating!
Water + Quads = Ouch!

Wednesday, July 23, 2014

Gear Up!

The more and more I train the more I realize how important gear is.  Being comfortable, being able to move, being "uninhibited" is huge when exercising.  I am sure this applies to the fellas too ~ but speaking from a lady's perspective if you wear the wrong bra you are hooped.  You find out super quick whether those new crops you bought can stay up while doing sprints or burpees.  You learn which shirt or tank shows a little too much boobage when you are doing mountain climbers.  You discover which runners kill your feet or give you wicked blisters.  Those new socks you bought that keep sliding down when running drive you crazy your whole workout!  It is almost unfortunate that you couldn't do one of your hardcore classes in different items to put them to the test before you buy ~ though I understand why that would be totally gross:)!  Either way ~ gear is important ~ plain and simple.

The activity also plays a big part.  I know when I did the Spartan Beast race last Fall I researched like CRAZY trying to figure out the right gear that would help and not hinder my race.  My husband's knowledge of articles of clothing came in handy ~ he is a PPCLI veteran and has trained vigourusly in a multitude of conditions like deep snow, in and out of water terrain like rivers, hot and dry Afghanistan desert and the list goes on.  I knew the Spartan race was a going to be chilly and wet ~ possibly snow.  I knew I would be doing obstacles where I needed to be able to use my hands and grip when wet, muddy and cold.  From his experience and my research online I put together my gear and went out a couple times running around and even went to the playground near my house when it was raining to try out my gear on wet monkey bars and playground equipment.  I made sure everything from my socks to my underwear to my gloves to my headgear was comfortable and had the dry quick properties that I knew would come in handy.  I will do a future post on gearing up for the Spartan come the start of September as I am running the race again with my stellar team of ladies at the end of August.  Needless to say ~ you get my point ~ gear to suit your activity is huge!

Sure, it is a personal thing and you find out super quick what works for you and what doesn't.  For example, the last three years that I have been at Excel I have gotten by wearing the most basic and cheap La Senza underwear ~ and usually a Lulu Lemon sports bra.  I have come to realize that the La Senza underwear is simply not cutting it anymore.  Yes it is comfortable ~ little to no riding up into areas you don't want riding up if you catch my drift.  But in terms of handling the sweat ~ I was super unsatisfied.  So I did some research and there really are not many options out there.  Lulu makes some but I have not been able to make it to Kelowna to try on in-store and see what they are like.  I hear good reviews and I hear not-so-good reviews so I am hesitant to purchase online.  

I literally called a handful of stores around town to see what options folks carry for the sweaty train-a-holic.  Once I found a store that carried something built for training or physical activity in general I then went on-line and researched the brand, read reviews, etc.  I wanted to make sure I did my background research especially since these undies would cost me more than the usual $5 a pair from La Senza.  

I discovered two brands that I went ahead and purchased one pair of each and now have put them to the test at a few of my awesome Excel classes including cardio, strength training and spin.  One brand is called Isis ~ here is the description from the site "Isis―a company founded and run by women―designs apparel to support your action-loving lifestyle, such as the Women's Sport Seamless Brief. Whether you're an adrenaline junkie, weekend warrior, or a busy mom, Isis understands the need for uncompromising comfortable, functional workout wear. This soft, smooth, stretchy brief was born to move, with high-cut leg openings and seamless, chafe-free construction"   These are sooo comfortable and the material is awesome!  

From what I have read online and heard from the folks in a couple of stores, cotton is not the way to go for workout undies.  It's fine day-to-day because of it's breathability but it is horrible at holding moisture from those sweaty workouts ~ all in all ~ no good!  

The second one I purchased was a brand you probably have heard of called Patagonia.
Patagonia Bikini Brief ROCKS!

 They make a lot of awesome gear and they did not cut any corners with their undies let me tell you!  They are made from a "recycled polyester/spandex blend in a quick-dry seamless weave."  Love these!  

The store I purchased my two pairs is called Wearabouts.  True Outdoors also carries a Merino Wool option but it was about double the cost I paid for my two pairs.   Otherwise, it was hard to find any other sellers.  All in all I am super happy with my discoveries.  I find as I get older (and hopefully wiser) having fewer items that are top quality is way better than having a bunch of cheap items.  The same goes for socks ~ I LOVE LOVE LOVE Smart Wool socks for training, race running and everyday use.  

Spend your money wisely on gear that is quality and you will be able to focus your attention on your form or making it thru the race rather than that constant wedgey or that sock that has slid down and the bulk now sits at your arch.  I know you all know what I'm talking about!  Now get training!

I am in no way, shape, or form endorsed by any of the brands or stores shared in this post.   

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Working it out~vacations and babies!

As you may or may not know I have two awesome little people named Marley and Jonah.  Marley is 3 and Jonah will be 2 at the end of August.  Being a parent doesn't have to put a cramp in your health and fitness.  Yes I know ~ we lack sleep, work our lives around our kids and are crazy busy.  Don't let that stop you!  Use your kids as a starting point of getting exercise everyday ~ it doesn't have to be a super high intensity workout but you can do a whole bunch of little things during the day to get that body moving.

Here are some examples of what I do:
  • Hike up at BX Falls and I put my 30lb son in my Mountain Equipment Co-op carrier backpack ~ doing the stairs with this cute little sandbag as extra weight is awesome!
  • Bike to the beach ~ I have a 2 seater child bike trailer so I bike my kids to Kal Beach and then pull it thru the sand.  Set up and play, swim, etc.  Pull the trailer back thru the sand loaded with kids.  I do a jog pace as well.  Man I tell you ~ once you get off of the sand you are one sweaty mutha!  One man even commented as I went by (he was sitting with his family and no he didn't offer to help push haha) ~ "Nothing better than mom-ercise!"  Yes sir ~ you are correct ~ being a mom is good exercise and nope I don't need your help to get this heavy trailer thru the deep, hot sand:)
  • Use the kids playground as your gym!  If I see monkey bars I do them!  Chasing the kids around is a good workout too but it is neat to do some other body weight exercises.  I have done pull ups, push ups, box jumps (jump onto the metal levels) in addition to doing the monkey bars or rings.
  • Carry your kids up and down stairs for pete's sake!  Oh my goodness ~ this is a crazy workout in itself!  There are great sets of stairs around town ~ over near Fulton, the bird sanctuary side of Polson Park, BX Falls and the list goes on! 
Having kids is not an excuse to avoid exercise ~ use them as a your little personal trainers and a REASON to exercise.  Seeing mom and dad being active will do nothing but good for your babies!

Hopefully you will also have the opportunity to go camping, travelling, cabining, etc. this summer.  Don't go sloth just because you are on a vacation.  Use the new surroundings to give yourself a little (or big) workout.  For example, this past weekend my family went all the way down south to Princeton to "camp" with extended family.  Side note * "camping" in this case was staying at my husband's aunt's 'get away home' on the Tulameen River ~ not technically camping but that is what my daughter called it!  I did a RYDE class at Excel on Thursday night and was driving Friday so by Saturday I sure was feeling the itch to get moving.

I grabbed my runners and went for a run around a town that I had never been too.  It was fantastic!  I tried to stay along the river and ended up finding some wicked trails to get some trail running in.  Half way through I stopped at a bench and did 30 burpees ~ yah I guess maybe some chick wearing a neon pink tank doing burpees in the middle of town could appear strange to the non-training type folk but that's ok:)  I then ran back home and proceeded to do a lunge matrix and an ab matrix before doing a good stretch beside a river on some super green grass.  Did I have this all planned?  Nope!  I brought my runners so I would have the option to exercise if I wanted.  Once I started it pushed me to extend it to something more than running.

On Sunday I went for another run ~ same loop I discovered the day before and then this time when I got back I did 2 minutes of "Hell" (burpees for 30 seconds, star jumps for 30 seconds, mountain climbers for 30 seconds, spilt lunges for 30 seconds).  Marley was a big help and held my iPhone so I could see the timer!  Bonus side note * You really get to see way more by getting out and taking a run.  I would have never known some of the cool things I saw in Princeton if I was just lounging in a hammock over those couple of days!

I am at the point where I NEED to exercise daily or I get super cranky.  Like on that Friday ~ travel day for our trip ~ sure I was busy bustling around, packing, loading, driving but I didn't get a good sweat on.  Let's just say I was a wee bit moody by that evening.  After my run I felt waaaayyyyy more rejuvenated than I did after sitting around that night "relaxing".  It's just the way I am now.  I need to exercise and I need to sweat everyday ~ how I do it can vary but it needs to happen.  Have your "rest" days too ~ they are super important but don't let you week long camping trip turn you into a lawn chair potato.  Babies and vacation won't stop me! and I hope it doesn't stop you either:)

Monday, June 23, 2014

Support Buddy

It is summer time!  This is probably my favourite time of year but with the wonderful hot weather comes things like camping, drinking, hotdogs, etc.!  You may find yourself falling off the wagon a bit more during these summer months.  You know what?  That is completely okay!  It is truly about balance.  If you are going camping you might find yourself indulging in a little boozin' or eating a little of those not-so-healthy camping type foods.  A trick is to just plan ahead.  Don't feel guilty ~ enjoy it!  And then when your little vacation is over jump back on the wagon ~ back into your healthy routine.

One element that can really help you stay on track this summer is finding a good support system.  Now when I say support system I am talking about a friend (or family member) that can give you a little nudge when needed.  Give you positive reinforcement when you need it most ~ on those hot days when going to your fitness class might be the last thing on your mind!

It does not need to be someone you are close too or see everyday ~ it can be a friend that attends the same training facility as you ~ someone that is like minded and aimed at improving his/her own health and fitness.  There are a few folks that I attend Excel Fitness with that I text almost daily to check-in.  If you think someone is expecting you to be somewhere you are much more likely to follow thru ~ even on those super hot days.  And afterwards I sometimes throw a little text their way just saying what a kick-ass job they did.

I have a couple folks that are my support system too ~ they notice if you didn't come to class and they won't let you get away with slacking!  Having a person or two as your support system also makes you feel like you are working on a team ~ aiming towards similar goals.  It is nice to have that connection and help folks reach those goals and they help you reach yours.

This summer you may not train as hard as you usually do but really try your best to make this summer a healthy one ~ with a couple caesars or smores here or there!  Find a friend at your gym to help you out ~ a little text can go along way and keep you accountable.

Sunday, June 8, 2014

My GO-TO Health&Fitness BLOGS

The internet is bombarded with tons of information.  Some of it is of value and some of it is not.  Almost daily I check out a few of the ones that I really find educational and useful.  Here is a list of the ones I find helpful:

Precision Nutrition  This is one of those blogs that I can be on for too long if I am not careful!  They provide information on a variety of topics and are very reputable.  I first found out about this company thru my training facility Excel Fitness.  Here is an piece about their approach: "Precision Nutrition is the largest private nutrition coaching and research company in the world.  Yes, we do plenty of clinical research and consult with many of the top universities & organizations around.  But that's not what sets us apart.  Where we're unique is our coaching for clients and professionals.  It's personal, it's research driven, and it's life changing.  Plus, it generates new research that we can apply in the future.  So the cycle of awesomeness can continue."  These guys are the real deal and SO worth checking out!

Dr. Joey: Live well, Eat well…Naturally   If you have checked out some of my previous posts I am a big fan of Dr. Joey Shulman.  I really like her approach and find her beliefs & ideas coincide with mine.  If you want information on nutrition she is a go-to source PLUS she is Canadian! 

RunSoulCycle  The Toronto based author of this blog named Heather is a very inspirational woman.  She practices what she preaches and covers a wide gamete of topics related to health, fitness, nutrition, physical education and wellness.  I find her posts very interesting and useful.  From the rundown on power bars to exercise ideas for the workplace to a wicked playlist (click here), she has GOT it covered!

Some of the Blogs included at LiveStrong Bloggers
Livestrong Bloggers  Livestrong has done something really cool ~ they have taken a huge number of bloggers and put them in one place.  You can research a variety of topics using a variety of sources.  Here is their run-down on what Livestrong Bloggers is: "LIVESTRONG Bloggers are all experts in a particular area of fitness, nutrition, health and/or weight loss.  There are many different - and sometimes opposing - ideas about the best choices to ensure that we each live the healthiest and happiest life possible.  The bloggers may not always agree with each other, and in fact, may present conflicting ideas on food and fitness.  This is because one philosophy of eating and exercise may not fit all people.  Exposure to different principles of nutrition and different types of exercise can help us each achieve our own optimal levels of fitness and happiness.  It is our hope that everyone in the LIVESTRONG.COM community will benefit from exploring these tips, recipes and exercise suggestions."  

MUST READ & FOLLOW ~ 2 more amazing blogs by lovely ladies from Excel Fitness: 

Catt Conditioning  Rhonda Catt, one of the owners and trainers of Excel Fitness, writes a fantastic blog ~ from techniques to tips ~ Rhonda has got you covered!

Unapologetically Present  Fitness instructor & nutritionist from Excel Fitness, DIna, writes a stupendous blog related to health, wellness, fitness and nutrition.

An good article that details 60 must-read blogs about health, fitness, wellness can be found here.  I am slowly making my way thru the list.  If you do have one (or some) blogs that you think rock, please comment below ~ I would love to check them out! Happy information and inspiration gathering!

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

INSPIRE ME #7: Kim Tyssen

This is Kim ~ she is awesome.

I have had the privilege of training with Kim for a long time now.  She is extremely inspiring and works unbelievably hard in every class.  Kim is one tough chick!  I also was lucky enough to do the Reebok Spartan Beast Race with her last Fall.  She is someone you love having on your team because she encapsulates what it means to be a team mate.  Her positive, outgoing, enthusiastic and preserving personality is infectious!  As a working mom of two she for sure is a role model to me.  Thank you Kim for being so inspiring!

Here's her interview:  

1. What is your health/fitness history?

I have always been active in some way.  My family was really into the outdoors (downhill skiing, hiking, waterskiing) and I think that love of being active started young.  This continued when I joined an outdoor school program called Earthquest in Grade 11.  The program involved lots of outdoor activities.  Earthquest is where I learned to have a love/hate relationship with running!  I started going to a gym in University when I got a part time job at a gym.  Working out while going to school helped keep me from getting too stressed out.  Sometimes I think it was the only way I was able to stay sane during University.  Now I train because my body expects it and it continues to keep me balanced.

2. How long have you been a member at Excel?

I joined Excel just over a year ago.  I was also a part of Rhonda's original Outside Alive bootcamp classes in Lumby before Excel existed.  Those classes were awesome!

3. How often do you exercise?

Usually 5 or 6 times a week.

Making it look easy!
4. What is a typical set of meals/snacks throughout the day for you?

My diet is a little more strict than it used to be.  About a year ago I found out I was intolerant to dairy and wheat, so I've had to make a lot of changes.  Now a typical day consists of:
Breakfast: fruit, coconut yogurt and a mixture of chia seeds, hemp seeds, flax seeds, and sliced almonds.
Snack: Apple and/or granola bar (I like the Kind granola bars or else I'll make my own energy balls)
Lunch: Soup or a salad with nuts
Snack: Some kind of fruit or smoothie made with fruit and almond milk
Dinner: Any combination of veggies with either brown rice, quinoa and fish or chicken.  Although it really depends on what the kids and hubby are eating.  If it's spaghetti night I will use sliced zucchini instead of noodles.  If its fajitas I will use a brown rice wrap instead of a tortilla.  I'm a working mom, so I try to make simple meals that are easy to modify to gluten and dairy free for myself.  I definitely have a sweet tooth, so I will throw in a treat at some point of the day.  Everything in moderation...right:)

5. What would you say is your biggest strength in fitness?

I think my biggest strength in fitness is probably my commitment to it.  My family comes first.  But my fitness is also very important to me.  And I think it's an important message to my kids that I need to have time to keep myself healthy and strong.  That way I can keep up to them!

6.  What would you say is your biggest weakness in fitness?

STRETCHING!!!!!  I know I need to do more but it's the first thing I cut short in a workout.

7.  Is there anything in particular you are training for? 

I am doing the Beast again this year at Sun Peaks with some amazing ladies and that definitely keeps me motivated, especially with my running.

Reebok Spartan Beast Race September 2013
8.  What would you say is your favourite work out?

My favourite classes are high energy classes that push me beyond my comfort level.  And at the end when its over I am D.O.N.E!

9. How do you keep motivated day-to-day?

My motivation comes from how I feel when I don't do it, which is grumpy and tired (I also have trouble sleeping the days I don't work out).  It doesn't matter how tough of a day I've had at work or with my kids, I always feel better after a work out.  It sounds cliche, but it's true and that's what motivates me.

10.  What would be your biggest advice to someone just starting out on his/her journey to improved health and fitness?

Nobody ever said it would be easy, but no one says it isn't worth it!  You are worth it!  Start with the changes that are easiest for you to make first and then build on those.  Over time it will come.

11. If you could be any superhero you wanted who would you be and why?

My favourite superhero has always been Batman because he kicks ass without any superpowers.  But if I could actually be a superhero I'd want to be Wonder Woman for a couple of reasons.  I would still be a girl so my kids wouldn't be too confused, she's pretty hot, and she flies an invisible jet which would be awesome!
21km, 28+ obstacles in snow & mud = BEAST!