Saturday, July 25, 2015

8 Week Sexy Back Challenge Complete!

It has been a fantastic 8 weeks!  The Sexy Back Challenge just wrapped up last night and it feels good to check that off my list.  First, let me tell you a little bit about this Challenge at Excel.  This was an opportunity for members and non-members to work with a team to pursue health and fitness goals.  Over the course of 8 weeks, participants were to complete two strength and two cardio sessions a week plus complete homework and a weekly challenge/workshop.  Individuals received a point for each of the completed components and could earn bonus points if these sessions were completed as a team (i.e. you all attend a workshop ~ you get a bonus point).  In addition to classes, challenges, homework, we also took a closer look at our nutrition and had assistance calculating what we should do to achieve the goals you wanted (whether it was losing weight, building muscle, toning up, etc.).  Teams were made up of three people.  Tuesday is when we find out who won the challenge.

I will be completely honest with you ~ I desperately needed this boost!  It has been a crazy year with health issues, returning to work in a new position, kids in daycare, ETC! and lifes' stresses put me back a few steps from where I wanted to be in my health.  I completed my first 60 Day Challenge in the Spring of 2013 when Jonah was around 7 months old.  If you want to read more details about it, I blogged about it HERE.  I saw amazing results with this challenge and this was probably the first time I had ever felt really good about where my health and fitness were at in my entire life!  I successfully maintained that weight and level of fitness up until last Fall when things went a little sideways.

As I blogged before I ended up having thing after thing (appendectomy, eye issues, c-diff ~ bacterial infection in my intestines, colds, fatigue, then PRK eye surgery)...appendectomy was August 21, 2014 followed by continuous eye issues from September to April 9th, 2015 when I finally had surgery, C-Diff was December 31 and screwed up my system for about two-three weeks.  Long stories short, I was going through a rough chapter in my life and my health was suffering.  Due to my illnesses and issues I could not train how I liked which led to me feeling down and not being as consistent with my eating as I usually am.  I wouldn't say that my day to day diet went completely off the tracks but I think I made more allowances than I usually do.

Which brings me to April 2015 ~ after my eye surgery was completed it took about one month before I could actually see clearly and life was looking good!  Right after that Excel announced they were going to hold a Sexy Back Challenge and I knew that was exactly what I needed to do to kickstart my journey BACK to health.
Left side are the BEFORE photos ~ Right side are the AFTER photos!
I found a couple of amazing ladies to work with and off we went!  Brooke, Lorrie and I all had similar goals in terms of toning up and weight loss.  Having similar goals really pushed us to support one another and cheer each other on.  I feel I really lucked out that I was able to work with these two:)  Weeks went by and we were very consistent with our training and completing all the necessary components, learning SO MUCH along the way!

Last night was our final challenge and weigh ins/measurements.  Everyone was very successful.  For me I went from 152lbs to 146lbs and trimmed 6 mm from my callipers measurements.  My number is 66 which means I am in Excellent/Optimal Health category!  I am about 3-4 pounds heavier than I was when I finished the 60 Day Challenge a couple of years ago but I have noticed that I am quite a bit more leaner and have more muscle mass than I did two years ago ~ which is cool with me!
Left and bottom right are after 8 weeks Sexy Back Challenge.  Top right is After 60 Day Challenge Spring 2013.
Nothing better than being strong! 
Bottom pictures are from 60 Day Challenge Spring 2013.  Purple shorts are BEFORE & Orange shorts are AFTER 8 week SEXY BACK CHALLENGE!
Now that I have completed this challenge I feel like I have pressed my RESET button and look forward to pushing on from here, ready to take on whatever comes my way!  Having all of these health "challenges" along the way really just emphasizes how great it is when you don't have them.  I feel sooooooo extremely lucky that my vision issues have been corrected (I see 20/20 now with no problems whatsoever).  I have also started running again as my pelvis/hip trouble has almost been alleviated (couldn't run without pain since I was pregnant with my first back in 2011) and that is a freeing feeling.  I really think it is my training that has healed my body ~ building that lean muscle has improved my life greatly.  Even after my appendectomy in August last year I healed relatively quickly and ran the Spartan Beast race weeks after!  Again I think it has to do with the shape I am in!

When is the next Sexy Back Challenge starting up
you ask?!  In October!  And, again, it is open to members and non-members so YOU COULD DO IT TOO!  When you have a team helping you along plus the support of trainers and a nutritionist you have nothing to loss except those few pounds you wish would disappear!  But even if weight loss isn't a goal the Challenge is such a great thing to be a part of to develop that lean muscle, tone up, improve your cardiovascular fitness, improve your mood, make friends, learn about nutrition and so much more!  I hope to see you there!

For more information contact Excel fitness ~ you will be linked up to their site HERE!

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