I will be completely honest with you ~ I desperately needed this boost! It has been a crazy year with health issues, returning to work in a new position, kids in daycare, ETC! and lifes' stresses put me back a few steps from where I wanted to be in my health. I completed my first 60 Day Challenge in the Spring of 2013 when Jonah was around 7 months old. If you want to read more details about it, I blogged about it HERE. I saw amazing results with this challenge and this was probably the first time I had ever felt really good about where my health and fitness were at in my entire life! I successfully maintained that weight and level of fitness up until last Fall when things went a little sideways.
As I blogged before I ended up having thing after thing (appendectomy, eye issues, c-diff ~ bacterial infection in my intestines, colds, fatigue, then PRK eye surgery)...appendectomy was August 21, 2014 followed by continuous eye issues from September to April 9th, 2015 when I finally had surgery, C-Diff was December 31 and screwed up my system for about two-three weeks. Long stories short, I was going through a rough chapter in my life and my health was suffering. Due to my illnesses and issues I could not train how I liked which led to me feeling down and not being as consistent with my eating as I usually am. I wouldn't say that my day to day diet went completely off the tracks but I think I made more allowances than I usually do.
Which brings me to April 2015 ~ after my eye surgery was completed it took about one month before I could actually see clearly and life was looking good! Right after that Excel announced they were going to hold a Sexy Back Challenge and I knew that was exactly what I needed to do to kickstart my journey BACK to health.
Left side are the BEFORE photos ~ Right side are the AFTER photos! |
Last night was our final challenge and weigh ins/measurements. Everyone was very successful. For me I went from 152lbs to 146lbs and trimmed 6 mm from my callipers measurements. My number is 66 which means I am in Excellent/Optimal Health category! I am about 3-4 pounds heavier than I was when I finished the 60 Day Challenge a couple of years ago but I have noticed that I am quite a bit more leaner and have more muscle mass than I did two years ago ~ which is cool with me!
Left and bottom right are after 8 weeks Sexy Back Challenge. Top right is After 60 Day Challenge Spring 2013. Nothing better than being strong! |
Bottom pictures are from 60 Day Challenge Spring 2013. Purple shorts are BEFORE & Orange shorts are AFTER 8 week SEXY BACK CHALLENGE! |
When is the next Sexy Back Challenge starting up
you ask?! In October! And, again, it is open to members and non-members so YOU COULD DO IT TOO! When you have a team helping you along plus the support of trainers and a nutritionist you have nothing to loss except those few pounds you wish would disappear! But even if weight loss isn't a goal the Challenge is such a great thing to be a part of to develop that lean muscle, tone up, improve your cardiovascular fitness, improve your mood, make friends, learn about nutrition and so much more! I hope to see you there!
For more information contact Excel fitness ~ you will be linked up to their site HERE!