Tuesday, October 6, 2015

I am a BEAST

Where has time gone?!  I know where ~ I have headed back to work, teaching 4 days a week plus teaching acting one night a week AND my lovely Ryde class Friday nights! Between my career, family and training, I sometimes don't know if I am coming or going!  We are slowly getting into the groove of our new routine and my kids are loving Montessori school!
First day of Montesorri<3

As for training, I am looking forward to the week after Thanksgiving when I can finally get in to Excel three days a week.  The month of September I ended up training 3 times a week but over the course of 2 days which was not ideal but that's what life allowed (strength and ryde Fridays, running Sat/Sun).  I made sure I was eating right and fuelling my body properly through the month of September though I did have a few more coffees than usual:)  I tried my best to keep up with life and training because the Spartan Beast race was quickly approaching.

I am going to start by saying HOLY COW!  This year was by far the most difficult Spartan Beast.  Mentally, physically ~ it was a BEAST!  Here are some facts charted out:
This year
23 km
34 obstacles
4 climbs up Sun Peaks ski mountains (first was from the village to the top! the others varied slightly but still a lot of straight up climbing!)
Time - 5 hours 48 minutes
Failed 3 obstacles = 90 burpees (rope climb, spear throw, zig zag balance beam)

Last year:
21+ km
28 obstacles
2 climbs up Sun Peaks
Time - 4 hours 46 minutes
Failed 3 obstacles = 90 burpees (rope climb, spear throw, traverse wall)

Times varied from 3.5 hours to 10.5 hours.   I was the 110th, 25th female and 12th in my age group for the Elite Beast Results BUT I signed up for the Open Beast so I have emailed them to ask to be moved:)  If I look at the Open Beast Results, it looks like I would be 460 out of 1195 participants male and female and it puts me at the 94th female to come in.  Either way I am just freaking happy that I made it:D
Above: My finishing stats:)
Below: This is the second longest time ~ so there was 1195 participants, 418 females & 777 males.

I ran solo again this year ~ I really like the challenge.  When it's just you, out on the course ~ you are the only thing pushing YOU.  I got up at 4:30am and geared up.  I ate a yogurt, berries, granola bowl and drank my electrolyte water. 

I packed lots of water and electrolyte mix to sip on during my drive to Sun Peaks.  I left town and was on my way.  It was a nice, peaceful drive.  I was not as anxious as I have been for the previous two beasts ~ less so because I felt prepared but still anxious because I knew it was a big undertaking and you never know what to truly expect.  I arrive at Sun Peaks at 8:00am and grabbed my race package. 

My heat wasn't until 10:00am so I had time to stretch, put on the final pieces of my gear and check my camel pack & gels (if you ever do a beast, wear knee pads, elbow pads, buffs, and gloves...trust me).  I like going down into the bathroom area below the village centre building.  I called my family to let them know I was just getting ready to go out.  They, of course, wished me good luck and said they loved me:)  I locked up my stuff (which includes a post-beast snack, chocolate milk, water, 3 garbage bags for your car seats and packing your mud soaked gear, cell phone, etc.).  This year I decided to wear my heart rate belt and packed my Polar m400 as well to see my output (check out the cool charts below!).  I headed up to the starting line and did my warm up.  9:30am I took my first gel.  At 10:00am I headed out.  My plan was to run the downs and flats and trudge up the hills.  I also decided not to stop moving unless injured.  The first part of the course hits you like a ton of bricks as you make your way up to the top of Sun Peaks.  This is pure cardio!  I jogged up the trails along the way as I was feeling good.  The obstacles were fun for the most part.  I had to do the 8 foot wall alone as no one was around when I got to it ~ I made it!  Every obstacle I hit that I passed I told myself positive things to keep pushing forward.  

I love running the downhill goat trails where you have to be so focused on where you step ~ dig, dig, dig, left foot, right foot.  It's one of my favourite things about this race.  Many of the obstacles took a lot of focus like the monkey bars.  The most difficult (other than the ones I failed:) are the traverse wall and the parallel bars.  After the second hill climb, I thought okay one more...I can do that.  Then we started to climb again!  My body was not too happy about this and my calves were seizing often.  I stretched them out when I had an obstacle that allowed for it like the mud army crawls.  After the fourth hill, I started making my way down with a light jog to ease my body into actually running.  I remember I heard the music in the village and I was super excited and relieved that I was on my way back.  I have never been able to conquer the rope climb and the spear throw is a crap shoot.  I gave them my best try and accepted the burpees that came my way.  I made my final climb over the last wall and headed for the fire jump, elated that I would soon be done!  
This year I didn't get an epic fire jump photo because this couple was getting engaged so focus went to them:) But I will be forever in their engagement photos! LOL Photobomber!  Check out the lady on the wall;)

Once I came in, I received my medal, my t-shirt and my chocolate milk.  I wish I had people there cheering me on but even though I am alone when I come in, it is such an amazing feeling of accomplishment.  
Heart Rate output (My race lasted 5 hours and 48 minutes ~ the rest is the waiting to go and the delay in being able to turn off my session after the race)

Polar provides awesome analysis of your session!  This has the steps as well!

My heart rates along with my pace (blue) and ascent/descent (grey background).  Trust me, the hills were a lot steeper than those on this graph! 

The route! Tracked using my Polar m400 watch! So cool!  You can get a good idea of the climbs with the map in the background!

A couple more breakdown views of my race:)  Check out that heart rate! Wowza!

I look at where I was five years ago, physically and mentally.  There is no way I would have been able to do what I just did.  I am so amazed at what my body is capable of.  I look at how my body has gone through some incredible things over the last five years from baby number one to getting "in shape" to baby number two and getting even stronger than health issue after health issue last year including an appendectomy.  Now here I am, 32 years old and as strong as I have ever been.  I couldn't run for three years after Marley was born due to my pubic symphysis instability and hip issues and now I can run and I love to run ~ especially trail runs!  There is something so freeing about it and I truly owe it to my training at Excel.  I never knew I was capable of any of this until I started training there.  I am strong.  I am fast.  I am a beast!
REACHED THE TOP! That deserved a thumbs up:)

Saturday, July 25, 2015

8 Week Sexy Back Challenge Complete!

It has been a fantastic 8 weeks!  The Sexy Back Challenge just wrapped up last night and it feels good to check that off my list.  First, let me tell you a little bit about this Challenge at Excel.  This was an opportunity for members and non-members to work with a team to pursue health and fitness goals.  Over the course of 8 weeks, participants were to complete two strength and two cardio sessions a week plus complete homework and a weekly challenge/workshop.  Individuals received a point for each of the completed components and could earn bonus points if these sessions were completed as a team (i.e. you all attend a workshop ~ you get a bonus point).  In addition to classes, challenges, homework, we also took a closer look at our nutrition and had assistance calculating what we should do to achieve the goals you wanted (whether it was losing weight, building muscle, toning up, etc.).  Teams were made up of three people.  Tuesday is when we find out who won the challenge.

I will be completely honest with you ~ I desperately needed this boost!  It has been a crazy year with health issues, returning to work in a new position, kids in daycare, ETC! and lifes' stresses put me back a few steps from where I wanted to be in my health.  I completed my first 60 Day Challenge in the Spring of 2013 when Jonah was around 7 months old.  If you want to read more details about it, I blogged about it HERE.  I saw amazing results with this challenge and this was probably the first time I had ever felt really good about where my health and fitness were at in my entire life!  I successfully maintained that weight and level of fitness up until last Fall when things went a little sideways.

As I blogged before I ended up having thing after thing (appendectomy, eye issues, c-diff ~ bacterial infection in my intestines, colds, fatigue, then PRK eye surgery)...appendectomy was August 21, 2014 followed by continuous eye issues from September to April 9th, 2015 when I finally had surgery, C-Diff was December 31 and screwed up my system for about two-three weeks.  Long stories short, I was going through a rough chapter in my life and my health was suffering.  Due to my illnesses and issues I could not train how I liked which led to me feeling down and not being as consistent with my eating as I usually am.  I wouldn't say that my day to day diet went completely off the tracks but I think I made more allowances than I usually do.

Which brings me to April 2015 ~ after my eye surgery was completed it took about one month before I could actually see clearly and life was looking good!  Right after that Excel announced they were going to hold a Sexy Back Challenge and I knew that was exactly what I needed to do to kickstart my journey BACK to health.
Left side are the BEFORE photos ~ Right side are the AFTER photos!
I found a couple of amazing ladies to work with and off we went!  Brooke, Lorrie and I all had similar goals in terms of toning up and weight loss.  Having similar goals really pushed us to support one another and cheer each other on.  I feel I really lucked out that I was able to work with these two:)  Weeks went by and we were very consistent with our training and completing all the necessary components, learning SO MUCH along the way!

Last night was our final challenge and weigh ins/measurements.  Everyone was very successful.  For me I went from 152lbs to 146lbs and trimmed 6 mm from my callipers measurements.  My number is 66 which means I am in Excellent/Optimal Health category!  I am about 3-4 pounds heavier than I was when I finished the 60 Day Challenge a couple of years ago but I have noticed that I am quite a bit more leaner and have more muscle mass than I did two years ago ~ which is cool with me!
Left and bottom right are after 8 weeks Sexy Back Challenge.  Top right is After 60 Day Challenge Spring 2013.
Nothing better than being strong! 
Bottom pictures are from 60 Day Challenge Spring 2013.  Purple shorts are BEFORE & Orange shorts are AFTER 8 week SEXY BACK CHALLENGE!
Now that I have completed this challenge I feel like I have pressed my RESET button and look forward to pushing on from here, ready to take on whatever comes my way!  Having all of these health "challenges" along the way really just emphasizes how great it is when you don't have them.  I feel sooooooo extremely lucky that my vision issues have been corrected (I see 20/20 now with no problems whatsoever).  I have also started running again as my pelvis/hip trouble has almost been alleviated (couldn't run without pain since I was pregnant with my first back in 2011) and that is a freeing feeling.  I really think it is my training that has healed my body ~ building that lean muscle has improved my life greatly.  Even after my appendectomy in August last year I healed relatively quickly and ran the Spartan Beast race weeks after!  Again I think it has to do with the shape I am in!

When is the next Sexy Back Challenge starting up
you ask?!  In October!  And, again, it is open to members and non-members so YOU COULD DO IT TOO!  When you have a team helping you along plus the support of trainers and a nutritionist you have nothing to loss except those few pounds you wish would disappear!  But even if weight loss isn't a goal the Challenge is such a great thing to be a part of to develop that lean muscle, tone up, improve your cardiovascular fitness, improve your mood, make friends, learn about nutrition and so much more!  I hope to see you there!

For more information contact Excel fitness ~ you will be linked up to their site HERE!

Sunday, May 31, 2015

Inspire Me #10: Ashley Irving

This is Ashley ~ she is awesome.

I have worked out at Excel with Ashley off and on for the last few years ~ I didn't really get a chance to know her until a few months ago and this lady is fantastic.  She is positive, energetic, friendly and super fit!  I am so lucky to have the opportunity to take her Barre classes once in a while and she pushes you to not give up.  Ashley is an amazing instructor and Excel is so fortunate to have her on board!  She is a dedicated mama and has two of the most adorable little girls.  I admire Ashley for commitment to her family and also to health and fitness.  Thanks Ashley for sharing your talents with us (and for making me feel spots in my gluteus I have NEVER felt before;)  YOU ROCK!  Keep it up!
Ashley taking in some Barre in New York to bring back to us!

Here's her interview:  

1. What is your health/fitness history?

I have been active my entire life. I began dancing at age 5 and continued into my 20s. I also played many school sports including volleyball, basketball, and track. Since then, I have been a regular at the gym and try to keep as active as possible outdoors.

2. How long have you been a member at Excel?  What does your exercise routine look like?  

This is my third year at Excel!  And I LOVE it!  I have been a member at many gyms, and this is by far my favourite!  I try to work out 4-5 times per week, although since I began teaching Barre I am only able to attend about 2 classes a week.  Even if I can’t make the gym I try to get the kids and I out for a walk, hike or bike ride.

3. What is a typical set of meals/snacks throughout the day for you?

Early morning: smoothie made with whatever fruit I have on hand or fruit and yogurt. 
Mid-morning snack: usually a piece of fruit (apple or banana)
Lunch: we eat a lot of wraps (leftover meat from the night before, vegetables and cheese), because my kids love them and I can hide all sorts of nutritious stuff in there ;)
Mid-afternoon: I don’t usually eat between lunch/dinner, because I am just not that hungry then, but my girls always have an afternoon snack… usually a plate of veggies, cheese and crackers
Supper: I love the BBQ so we often BBQ our meat (usually chicken) and veggies (our favourites are peppers, zucchini and onions). I also try and add one more vegetable dish that my kids like, either spaghetti squash with fresh herbs or our favourite kale recipe (yes.. even my kids will eat kale with my secret sauce on it ;))
After Supper: once and a while we will have a treat after dinner, whether its home-made popsicles or ice cream

4. What would you say is your biggest strength in fitness?

My biggest strength would be my routine. I go to the gym at the same time, usually on the same days. It works for me because I can plan my day and my week accordingly. If I plan to work out then its much harder to talk myself out of it. 

5.  What would you say is your biggest weakness in fitness?

Chocolate… I love chocolate. The in-between lunch and dinner time when I am not really hungry but both kids are napping, I manage to locate any chocolate in my house. 

6.  Is there anything in particular you are training for? (i.e. Tough Mudder, Beast, Death Race, marathons, etc.) 

I am not training for any specific event, but I train because it makes me feel good. I feel stronger, better in my clothes, and more confident in myself. I also train so that I can keep up with my kids. I want to be able to run and around and play with them, without it feeling like work. 
Check out this cutie pie!
7.  What would you say is your favourite work out?

Well.. I obviously LOVE Barre. But if I had to choose another class it would probably be TRX Iron Circuit. I love that it is technically challenging but I always leave that class feeling like I got my butt kicked.

8. How do you keep motivated day-to-day?

My kids motivate me the most. I want to be a good example for them. The best way to teach kids about a healthy active lifestyle is to live it yourself. 

9.  What would be your biggest advice to someone just starting out on his/her journey to improved health and fitness?

My best advice would be find something active you love to do whether its dance, hike, ski, or kayak, and do it often. You don’t have to be in the gym to improve your fitness. Just get your body moving and have fun while your at it!

10. If you could be any superhero you wanted who would you be and why?

My super hero knowledge is …well… non-existent … but if I could choose a superpower it would be invisibility. I could travel the world without spending thousands of dollars on air fare because no one would even know I was there!

Healthy Family = Happy Family

Wednesday, May 13, 2015

Recovery! I can see!

April 9th, 2015, my life changed drastically.  Since I was about 6 or 7 I have worn glasses.  I started wearing contacts when I was a teenager and have moved between the two for close to 20 years.  My prescription was powerful and my glasses were heavy ~ sitting at an -8.25.  To give you some insight as to how blind this is:  I would need to be about 4 inches from your face to see it clearly.  A series of things happened over the course of the last 6 months that led me to the decision to see about getting PRK (which is a corrective eye surgery similar to Lasek but different process and healing time).  I was not a candidate for Lasek due to my thinner corneas for a high prescription.  I was happy I was a candidate for ANYTHING ~ happy there was hope.  On April 9th I went into Vivid Laser in Kelowna to get PRK.  The process was quick and pain free.  The doctors and staff there were fantastic, knowledgable and friendly.
Moments after my PRK surgery was complete!
Things were clear up to about 3 feet in front of me for the first time since I was a little kid:):)
Afterwards my vision was very blurry and I couldn't read, use computers, watch TV, etc.  The following day I woke up and could read the time on the nightstand clock.  It was blurry but clearer than before surgery.  Days 1 and 2 were okay ~ very little pain.  Felt good to have eyes closed and rest.  Blurry vision but could function.
Morning after surgery.  First time I could see my nightstand clock...ever!
Then Day 3 hit! Day 3 and 4 were the worse days.  My vision was so blurry that I could not see anything clearly even if it was an inch from my face.  I could not make out my fingernails on my hands!  I couldn't see my own face clearly even right up against the mirror.  I felt a little worried but kept on telling myself it would improve.  Day 5 I got the contact bandages removed and that helped slightly with the blurriness but I could not drive nor see anything a few feet away from me.  Day 6 and 7 ~ slight improvements and on Day 7 I drove a little bit.  The halos around lights and the double vision made everything difficult.  Over the next couple of weeks it improved slightly but the blurriness was very difficult to deal with.  Reading, writing and computing were extremely hard.  One text message took forever to write.  One Facebook post took a lot of time and focus.  I could not make out faces of anyone a few feet away from me.  So close up was horrible, far away was not much better.  I found this time very challenging.  Not being able to see people's faces clearly when having a conversation drove me crazy.  Or if someone saw me and said hello I would have no idea who it was.

They say 7-10 days before clearer vision but it took me one month.  Last weekend I woke up and my vision was the clearest it had been so far.  I was so excited but come afternoon it diminished back to what I call "functioning blurry".  The next morning it was better and stayed and I have been clear-ish ever since.  I went to my one month check up last week and right now I am sitting at 20/30 vision ~ my left eye is slightly behind my right eye.  I have about a -.25 prescription in my right eye and roughly a -.50 in my left eye.  The full results of my PRK surgery will not be known until 6 months in (that is how long healing takes).  At that time I will be examined and we will see where I am at.  It is wonderful to be able to drive, read and work on a computer without crazy double vision!  

One of the big reasons I desperately wanted to get corrective surgery was because my glasses caused wicked headaches daily.  Contacts were no longer an option due to zero fluid in my eyes.  I literally had a headache EVERYDAY from January 26 (when I stopped wearing contacts and had to go straight glasses) until April 9th!  It was extremely difficult to function happily with the headaches from the glasses.  Things like exercising were uncomfortable because having to look around and move quickly exacerbated that "drunk goggle" feeling.  Mentally and physically it was hard to feel good.  Everyday pain was causing a lot of stress in my life and lowered my confidence in my training.  I find that when my body does something I do not want it to do (ie. constant pain), my appreciation of what I CAN do is clouded.  I always try to look at the bright side but it was a constant struggle.   Luckily, those headaches have cleared up and I am feeling much better mentally, emotionally and physically!

I could not be happier with my vision.  I can see my kids when they come on the bed to say good morning without having to put on my glasses.  I can jump up to help them without fumbling around.  I don't get that dry, irritated eye feeling.  One less step when I wake up and when I go to bed.  No glasses moving around on my face when I workout.  There are so many things that are taken for granted by folks that have always had great vision.
Morning before surgery!  Goodbye thick glasses!  I like my frame though ~ maybe I will get a no prescription lens put it and still wear them:):)

Side note: I actually like glasses and think they look nice on but when the prescription is so incredibly high they are weighted down and my brain was not happy with the variation of vision out the front and sides!

Something exciting that I recently became a part of is Excel's Ryde program.  I am now instructing with a group of amazing ladies.  My class runs Friday nights at 5:30pm!  But there a quite a few different options from Monday to Saturday.  High sweat, high movement activities like Ryde were very uncomfortable with headaches and glasses but I really enjoy Ryde (from both a student and an instructor perspective) so I pushed through and now I am able to instruct!  This is something you HAVE to try.  The space is amazing, the instructors are awesome and the community at Excel is something you will not find anywhere else.  

Needless to say I feel like I have a new lease on life.  I have regained the enjoyment of exercise and being active!  I love the ability to wake up and go.  I am so excited to train!  I am so excited to camp and not have to worry about packing extra contacts or finding my glasses in the tent!  And, most importantly, I feel like myself again without the constant pain in the head and excited to attack everyday instead of hide from it!

Saturday, March 14, 2015

INSPIRE #9: Katie Yavis

This is Katie ~ she is awesome.

Over the past few years, I have trained with a lot of amazing and inspiring people.  One of these people is an amazing woman named Katie Yavis.  I look up to her and hope I model for my kids what she models for her kids (and gran-kids!)  She is so positive and energetic ~ her smile is infectious!  Not only that but she is strong and healthy!  Thank you Katie for setting the bar high and inspiring me to reach it!

Here's her interview:  

1. What is your health/fitness history?

I have always been fairly active and in good health.  I didn't play school sports as I was a figure skater and spent most of my out of school time at the rink.  Once I was out of school, I started playing Slo-Pitch and now at almost 56, am still active in both.  I play ball with my daughters, sons and son in laws and am on a Provincial Gold Medal Synchronized Skating Team.  I plan on continuing with these sports until I absolutely cannot any longer, then I will manage the teams.  I pride myself on being in good health and very seldom get sick or don't feel well.  I think my genes are credit for that as I am not that careful about what I put in my body.  Just being honest.  LOL:)

Katie (second from the left front) post gold medal win!
2. What does your exercise routine look like?  How long have you been a member at Excel?

I have basically been with Excel almost since their opening as both my daughters, Taryn and Kailea, introduced me to the gym and I started coming to work out with them and just loved it.  I started by purchasing a Groupon, got hooked, started paying monthly and then began in the Child-Minding room to subsidize my membership.  I can now happily say that I have worked out at Excel with my daughters, sons, step daughters, son in laws, daughter in laws, sisters, nieces and loads of friends.  It is truly a family.......

Family that trains together, remains together!
3. Thoughts on meals.  What is a typical set of meals/snacks throughout the day for you?

I exercise at Excel at least 5 days a week and sometimes if my work lets me, 6.  Because of the fact that I own a swimming pool company, depending on what my busy days look like, I bop all over the day trying to get a work out in.  I am not usually consistent with time of day but strive to make an appearance every day they are open.

4. What is a typical set of meals/snacks throughout the day for you?  

Hmmmmmm, now this is a tough one.  I love to eat and because of how physical my job can be, I tend to eat what I want.  I do not have a sweet tooth, so that is a good thing.  That being said, I love meat, cheese and bread.....ouch.....when I am really being a good girl, I try to eat yogurt and fruit with an egg for breakfast,  a salad with tuna for lunch and dinner is usually some type of chicken, rice and veg.  Snacks for me are usually fruit of all kinds.  I struggle mostly with portion size..........I can eat most men under the table.......Oh and I love wine..................

5. What would you say is your biggest strength in fitness?

I believe my biggest strength is that I am just a little bit stubborn, and am just trying to keep up with my workout partners, which are usually my daughters.

6.  What would you say is your biggest weakness in fitness?

I would have to say that my biggest weakness is a physical one.  My shoulders and upper body tend to limit what I can do and it drives me crazy because my lower body is so strong from skating, but I am working towards evening that out.  

7.  What would you say is your favourite work out?

My favourite workout is probably a Cardioruption type of class with a strength component.  I also love to hate Ryde mostly because of the way I feel after it's over.  I  am so excited to get back to Excel after 3 months away in Mexico to try out all the new additional classes being offered.  Barre excites me a lot.......

8. How do you keep motivated day-to-day?

Motivation for me comes strictly from the people around me.  I love to be active and love to be around people who are active.  (Did I mention that I have 9 grand children?....lol)  I'm gonna say something really goofy right now, but I am training for Life............I would love to say that I am training for a marathon, or a Tough Mudder or a Mudderella, or an Iron Man,  but basically my life is all of those things, so I am in constant training for the next day. (Did I mention I have 9 grandchildren and am kept pretty busy running after them as well.......it's constant......) 

9.   If you could be any superhero you wanted who would you be and why?

If I could be any superhero, I think I would like to be called "Super Nanny".  Super Nanny can play leap frog with 9 grandchildren, pick them all up at their respective schools on time, support them all as they play hockey, soccer, baseball, skating, ballet, dance, and football, have the best pool parties and make the best BBQ chicken on the planet......all while promoting exercise and good health........That's who I wanna be..................yah, Super Nanny.........

Katie ~ I think you already are SUPER NANNY!

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Raising the "Barre"

Okay sitting down to write this blog post took effort!  Why?  I just finished the new class at Excel by Jaymie called "Barre".  To put it bluntly ~ that was probably one of the most challenging and intense classes I have done.  I love high intensity classes and strength training but they are extremely challenging in a different way.  Barre is intense as in your legs start "shaking" as you go thru the series of exercises.  There is a precise focus that takes place.  Feeling muscles in areas you never knew where there.  IT WAS AMAZING and I AM SO HAPPY TO HAVE ACCESS TO IT NOW!!

A little while ago I connected with Jaymie to find out more about this area of fitness that I had never heard of until recently.  

Jaymie hard at work!

Here is her interview:

1.  What is Barre(fitness)?

"Barre is a full body workout concentrating on targeting the hips, thighs, seat, abdominals & arms.  It is a low impact workout, protecting the joints.  Through small isometric movements & utilizing the Barre, you are taken through a series of movements which target & tone certain areas of your body.  You work to 'shake' meaning your muscles are reaching the point of fatigue-this is your goal to work towards for each muscle group.  After, you stretch to elongate the muscles while they are warm.  It is through these small isometric movements & working your body to 'shake' while listening to upbeat music you create long lean muscles without the bulk."

2.  How and when did you get involved in Barre?

"I started taking Barre classes about 5 years ago (2010) while living down south in Nashville, TN.  Once I started taking Barre classes I couldn't stop as it was within 10 classes I noticed a change in my body.  As an avid Barre 'goer' I was given an opportunity to teach, which unfortunately I couldn't because I didn't have a green card, but I continued my practice knowing that one day an opportunity might come my way where I could teach back home in B.C.  I was fortunate enough to be exposed to many great teachers as I continued going to Barre throughout the Southern States as my finacee & I moved around while he pursued his NHL career.  Not only does Barre provide me with physical benefits, it has been great for my mind, as you have to clear your mind of needless thoughts in order to stay in your practice."  

3.  What can I expect to do in a class?  Is it an overall body workout or focused on certain areas?

"Barre is a full body workout concentrated on targeting the hips, thighs, seat, abdominals & arms.  Each strength section is followed by a stretch in order to create long, lean muscles without adding the bulk.  The class requires a lot of concentration, creating mental benefits similarly obtained by yoga.  The Barre is utilized for a portion of the class & other work is done on yoga mats.  Yoga blocks, bands & balls are used to work deeper into positions & are or can be used throughout the class."

4.  What fitness level is Barre typically for?

"Classes are the same level so it accommodates people of all fitness levels.  The position & movements are basic, it's how deep you work in them that make the difference."

5.  What should I wear?

"Comfortable workout attire like yoga capris/pants...nothing too baggy as it can get in the way of movement. The class is completed in bare feet or in Barre socks, which I also sell."

What she says is so true about benefiting both the body and also the MIND.  You are so focused on the small movements that nothing else makes its way into your mind.  It is so refreshing!  Amazing new fitness class at Excel paired with an amazing instructor equals happiness!  Thank you for sharing your passion with us Jaymie!
Class in Action!


Thursday, February 26, 2015

Postponin' Ain't Easy

I am feeling like progress is on hold right now ~ I have been inundated with eye health issues (severe dry eye, scratches, haemorrhages, uv damage growth, dropping eyelid) since the Fall and was actually supposed to go for surgery last week BUT they decided it was too risky which has no led me to a new doctor and a corneal specialist who gave me a second opinion.  This was way BETTER news about my eye health.  Long story short looks like I am in pretty good shape minus contact intolerance and headaches from glasses.  This has been a very long process and seems to have so many unknowns which drives me crazy.  Not a fan of the waiting game when it means serious headaches everyday because I am glasses only right now ~ headaches that stem from my -8.25 prescription.  Clear out front, blurry colours in periphery.  My brain isn't happy about it!

I go in for final evaluation in March and if all goes well then will be surgically corrected in April.  Fingers crossed but not holding my breath!  If I can not move ahead with surgery I plan on wearing "dailies" when glasses free and look into some Naturopath ideas on improving eye dryness, etc.  Either way it will all turn out:)  SOOOOO adjusting to training with thick glasses on has been a challenge ~ hate skip rope right now :)  But working at it and feeling good.  With prepping for surgery I have not done my cleanse I wanted too just yet and will wait until final call on surgery in March.

I am excited to say I have been seeing a Naturopath and am very excited for that support in my life.  It is for sure a different kind of care with my Naturopath compared to my regular doctor.  I love the holistic, whole picture take on my health and feel it is exactly what I need right now!  I am pleased with the hope it gives me.  Once I get this eye thing figured out and with Spring on the horizon, it will be so nice to move into a little more serious training.  I am hoping to start running in addition to my classes at Excel.  There are some great new options coming to Excel as well (I am hoping to write a post on them in the next week or so!!).  A change in training is like a fresh breath of air!  Keeping my head up and thinking positive!
Rock&Roll Day at my school:)

Saturday, January 17, 2015

Fresh Start~Goals 60

Right after I posted my last post about "Being sick" of being sick I was diagnosed with a severe bacterial infection in my large intestine which led to a good old visit to the ER, tests, and a lovely round of antibiotics.  So my plans of getting healthy were a little thwarted but antibiotics are done, system is healing and all I am battling right now is a little cold which, trust me, is welcomed after the other ridiculousness I had going on since December 31th!

So where are we at?  How are your New Years Resolutions panning out?  For me I decided to do the Goals 60 Program at Excel which I am so happy about.  After all the hoopla I have been through over the last 6 months I am ready to start fresh, reassess, refocus, and move forward.  If you haven't had a chance to investigate the Goals 60 Program this is an all-inclusive weight loss program customized and built to support each individual's needs.  We train according to our goals which are shared with our trainers.  We learn about smart training, nutrition, and information that can help us achieve our goals with full on support from trainers and other members.  We are also learning about how our heart rate monitors can be a fantastic training tool which I am so excited to put to use!  For me personally (especially after my bouts of illness) I am very keen to get stronger, be healthier, and build energy while balancing family and teaching.  Having access to a program like this, working with people I love and admire, is a true blessing.  Once I get all my numbers together I will do up a START post filling you in on where my journey is beginning.

In addition to the Goals 60 Program thru Excel, I have decided to do a more detailed check-in with what is going on in my body.  I have my first visit with a Naturopath (and Excel member), Dr. Entner, next week at Vero Health.  Rather than looking at illness as a inconvenient, bad luck, bound to happen thing I am looking at it as my body is trying to tell me something.  Obviously what I am doing is not working since I have been sick now for about a month and a half.  Enough is enough!  When you have amazing resources around your area plus some coverage thru your health care, there really is no reason not to make a move.  I will keep you posted on the progress I make and what discoveries are made.

Things I am hoping to look into regarding my current health are:
-Immune System (healing, building)~chronic illness&fatigue
-Digestive System (healing, performance)
-Anxiety/Stress Management
-Dry Eye(getting fluid back in my eye)
-Allergies (oddly just started reacting to my bulldog JUST on my forearms when I hug her) and how is my body processing certain foods ~ dairy, gluten, etc.  

I hope you are able to find support to help you achieve your resolutions!  Can't wait to share my progress!