Wednesday, March 14, 2018

Hiatus - I'M BACK!

It has been a long time since I have posted and I gotta be honest ~ life has changed so much!  We had our third child in the Fall of 2016 and I took a break from training from about 6 months pregnant to about 9 months post baby.  The juggle of 3 kiddos, school, home, work! I returned to Excel in the summer and am so happy to be back.  I jumped right into training for another Spartan Beast race which I proudly completed in September 2017! It was a killer and took me 7 hours and 50 minutes to complete!  And that was a "quicker" time overall! WHAT?! It was a blast and my family came up to support me so that was very special!  

A nice little blister from the 8 hour journey!

Since having babe, I have kept my diet mostly the same ~ eating a lot of veggies, drinking a lot of water, lean proteins, etc.  Our 16 month old is a nursing fanatic so I try to make sure to get a little more calories in daily.  Game plan now that I am fully back in action is to strength train 2-3 times a week and cardio 2 times a week.  Of course, just day to day I am constantly looking to pick those options that get me moving or push me a little further like parking on the other side of the parking lot, or carrying my 16 month old around.  Anything that gets the breathing up and a little sweat on is my friend.  My goal is to lose about 15 pounds over the next three months which will put me at my most lean weight.  I am participating in two obstacle course races this summer and one trail run race.  I am happy to be back in it ~ and my body thanks me.