So now that I have that breakdown I decided to follow Dina's advice and input my meals into a calorie counter to see what my final breakdown is looking like daily. I use LiveStrong My Plate Calorie Counter which you can find at I was quite surprised to find that I am not stacking up quite the protein I thought I was ~ yes I eat protein with every meal and snack BUT the amount (grams) sure is not to what my personal recommended amount is. I think it is a great tool to get an idea of what the food you are eating is providing you in terms of nutrients. To me it is not a long term tool ~ I can see myself using it a couple times a year ~ say if I have fallen off the nutrition wagon a bit and need a little kickstart reminder of what fuel foods are giving me.
Part of my AHA moment was: YES! you should be aware of how many grams of your macro nutrients you should be ingesting daily. Not just thinking "oh I eat very healthy" or "I eat lots of vegetables", etc. BECAUSE though you could be super nourished in some areas YOU could be malnourished in some others (even if you think you are getting enough!). So what to do? Well I highly recommend finding out your personal breakdown to suit your needs and then record what you are eating in a calorie counter like My Plate and see where you are at. I am now also thinking about my sodium, fibre, sugars, etc. Here are a couple screen shots of my breakdown:
You can see how nicely is it broken down for you. When you input your food item it also lets you pick the amount/serving size as well ~ so you can get very specific feedback. This is a good foundation for me as I have forgotten over time what foods I eat contain. For example, I know that cottage cheese is a protein BUT I could never tell you before the grams of protein I get from it. Like I mentioned before it is not something to be married too but it will give you an idea of where your nutrients are sitting! My plan is to use this tool for a few more days. By that time I will have inputed pretty much everything I consume on a regular basis. I might pop back on when I am curious about a new food item I am trying to see where it sits.
I bet, like me, so many folks struggle with weight loss, muscle gain, getting their health on track because they are not thinking about the macro nutrients being consumed on a daily basis. People seem really focused on exercise (yes it is important) BUT you need to focus on your nutrition! You will not make much progress if you are malnourished and kicking butt in the gym. A very insightful article that reiterates this can be found here at Precision Nutrition's blog.
I know I have heard the 80/20 rule regarding food ~ 80% of the time eat well and then 20% of the time you can veer off the path ~ this helps keep you "on the wagon" so to speak ~ cuts cravings, etc. But I have also been seeing and reading about 80/20 rule in regards to exercise and nutrition. Meaning 80% of your weight loss, maintenance, healthy body comes from your day to day diet, what you consume. 20% is the exercise, working out, training part of things. Something to think about for sure. Obviously keep active, keep training but keep what goes in your body nourishing!